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Caleb's Blessing Page 12

  “You ready to go back downstairs to the party?”

  “Uh-uh, I wanna stay here with you.”

  “No problem, you wanna sit down?”

  “No.” She held on tighter and buried her face in my chest again.

  “I wanna stay just like this. I like the way it feels when you hold me like this.”

  “Oh yeah, and how is that?”

  “Safe, loved. Like nothing else matters.”

  Damn, she would pick now to say this shit to me when we were miles away from home and our bed, and there was a houseful of people down there waiting to see us.

  “We can stay as long as you’d like.” I held her that much closer, wishing that I could read her mind.

  I don’t know how long we stood there before she finally lifted her head and smiled up at me.

  “I don’t think your sister in law likes me very much do you?”

  “Come again?” Totally out of left field. “I thought you said nothing happened when she came by the ranch.”

  “It didn’t, not really, besides, I didn’t want to worry you, not to mention I didn’t want to sound like a cry baby.”


  “Well, that day I kinda got the feeling that she was fishing for information you know. Like she was trying to learn as much about me as she could.”

  “And what did you tell her?” I wasn’t panicking as yet, but the less people who knew about her past the better. It was the only way I could keep a handle on shit until I dealt with the asshole.

  “Nothing really, I just gave her the basics but I don’t know, I think she’s very crafty that one.”

  “I see.” I decided not to say too much, to let her do all the talking since I wasn’t yet sure how this phenomenon worked.

  It proved to be the right move, because in the next twenty minutes she gave me a rundown of what she thought of everyone so far.

  I was extremely pleased to learn that she was no longer going to fight her feelings for me, but was going to have faith that we would work.

  She got a long lingering tonguing for that one before she went on to tell me even more of what was hidden in her heart.

  I saw a true glimpse of the girl that she was. Not that I hadn’t already seen into the heart of her behind the walls she’d built up, but this was another little piece of her that she’d given to me.

  I wanted to bundle her up, all that she was, and keep her safe for all time. We stood there whispering to each other as she shared her deepest fears through tears that tore the heart out of me.

  “No one is ever going to hurt you ever again baby, this I can promise you with everything that is in me, and believe me your ex is the last person you have to worry about because he’s number one on my hit list.”

  That got me a laugh and a confession, that had I not already fallen head over heels in love with her, I would’ve then.

  “I’m not really afraid of him anymore. I know you’d never let him get me and I know that you’d stand in front of me; that’s my new fear.

  You’re so good and principled, nothing at all like him. I’m afraid that if you two ever did face each other that he would use his usual tactics, he’d fight dirty and you’d get hurt because you’re so...sweet.”

  I didn’t mean to laugh in her face at that one, but fuck if that shit didn’t tickle my funny bone.

  “You think I’m a big ole softie huh.”

  “Well, not that exactly but you’re not mean.”

  “I’m glad you think so love, you’re supposed to, but since I don’t want you going through life believing that shit about your future husband, let me share this with you.

  I’ve only shown you one side of me because you don’t need to ever see the other. That one’s reserved for assholes, and I promise you, if I should ever see that fucker in this life he’d be lucky to leave that encounter with his life.”

  Damn, and here I was thinking that she was afraid for her and all this time she was afraid for me. I’m not sure I liked her thinking that I was a chump, but if that’s what got me past her guard to her heart, then I won’t complain.

  Hopefully she’d never see the other side of me and still not lose respect for me. I have to remember to share this one with the guys though. Or maybe one day she’d get curious as to why I never went into town with them even before she came into my life.

  “You ready baby? I think my mom will be up here soon if we don’t go down.”

  “I’m ready, just one more thing.” She lifted her wet eyes to mine and I felt that shit in my gut. There was so much love shining through her eyes in that moment.

  “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking perfect, how are you this perfect?” Whatever it was that she was about to tell me got lost as our tongues played against each other.


  We got downstairs just in time to head mom off. We were both a little mussed and her dress was a little crooked from where I’d pushed it aside to take her nipple in my mouth because I just couldn’t help myself.

  She was a lot more relaxed so that when mom introduced her to our guests she won them over with her sweet smile and natural warmth.

  I think only mom and I knew that she’d had a little liquid courage. “I want to dance with you. We’ve never danced together.”

  She dragged me onto the dance floor and fell into my arms with her face buried in my neck.

  “Tighter Caleb.” If Caleb held her any tighter she’d get more than she bargained for, and so would the rest of the room. Still I held her closer and buried my face in her hair.

  “Is this better?”

  “Uh-huh. Caleb how many babies are we gonna have?”

  “Ten.” She laughed so hard I had to hold her up.

  “Ten Caleb, where did you come up with that number?”

  “That’s a start, if we have more I’m cool with that too.” I was beginning to relax when I realized that her loose tongue seemed to lean more towards spilling what was hidden in her heart, than calling people out, but that was premature as I found five seconds later when she changed the subject again.

  “What are we gonna do Caleb?”

  “About what baby?” we were still swaying to the music and others had joined us on the dance floor.

  “I didn’t get my you know what this month.” I wasn’t sure what she was talking about and wracking my brain for the answer was no help.

  “Didn’t get what baby?” Even though there was no one close enough to hear us she lifted her lips to my ear.

  “My period.” Even I know what that shit means. I think I lost all feeling in my legs for a second and my hearing too. We were standing in the middle of the floor as I tried to hold on to the moment.

  “Are you...?”

  “I don’t know it’s too early I think.” I started trying to do the math in my head but I couldn’t add anymore it seemed.

  “How soon will we know?”

  “I’m late now, so maybe?”

  “Have you ever been late before?” I can’t believe we were standing here having this conversation.

  “No, that’s why I’m kinda sure.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth I turned and left the floor with her hand in mine, hoping that no one stopped us as I headed for the stairs and my old room.

  Then I remembered the champagne and the hooch.

  “Babe how much did you have to drink?” She smiled and shook her head.

  “That’s what I meant to tell you before when you kissed me stupid. I did have some of the champagne but I knew better than to drink your dad’s concoction.

  I used an old trick I learned as a teenager. I tasted it, but I spilled the rest in one of the plants when he wasn’t looking.

  I hope it doesn’t die, but I didn’t know what else to do with it. Was that wrong? It’s just that, I didn’t want to offend your dad and I didn’t want to tell him why I couldn’t have it because I hadn’t told you yet.”

  Fuck, I wasn’t sure what I should do next. I was pretty sure she should be okay, b
ut what the fuck do I know?

  That brought up another thought. “So all that stuff you were saying to my dad, that was all you?”

  “Yes.” I stopped and kissed her at the bottom of the stairs before dragging her along behind me the rest of the way.

  “Caleb where we going? Everyone’s watching us.”

  “Fuck ‘em.” I was brick hard and didn’t even know why. Just that as soon as my mind and heart processed what her words meant, my body reacted. And since I couldn’t very well violate her the way I imagined on the dance floor with everyone looking, and it was too far to the ranch, this was the next best thing.

  Upstairs I closed and locked the door before turning her into my arms. “I’m going to try to go easy, but I make no promises.”

  I never knew that the thought of my child growing inside her would do this to me, but there was too much going on inside me at the moment to put into words.

  My heart, my dick and my mind were all tangled up together as I lifted her dress and ran my hand along her silky thigh until I reached the silk panties she wore. She was already wet herself.

  “On second thought, this is going to be hard and quick.” I had enough presence of mind to get her dress out of the way so I didn’t rumple it too much as I laid her back against the corner of the bed.

  With my pants unzipped and pulled down low enough to release my cock, I pushed the crotch of her panties aside and slid into her soft heat.

  “Damn.” There was a world of difference being inside her, knowing that she was carrying my seed.

  My heart has never been so full of love for anyone or anything as it was then. I found that I had enough in me to give her slow and sweet.

  Instead of plundering, as I wanted, I touched her with tenderness. I pulled my strokes, making them long and deep as we looked into each other’s eyes.

  She might not be sure, but I am. It was the last thing needed to make us perfect.

  Chapter 22

  “Can you take me like this?” I had her legs up on my shoulders and spread as wide as they would go. I wanted to watch my cock slide in and out of her as I took her.

  At her nod I allowed myself to release the hold I had on my libido. I don’t know fuck all about how to fuck her while my kid was inside her, I just know that knowing he was in there, made me even more ravenous for her than usual.

  She didn’t complain that I was hitting it too deep or going too rough after the first few strokes, so I lifted her ass in my hands, opening her up even more for my onslaught.

  I ran my hand lovingly over her flat tummy, as my heart felt full to overflowing with love for her and the little being that I was sure was growing inside her.

  “Give me your mouth.” I leaned over her to reach her lips, making her legs bend back by her ears and sending my dick even deeper into her.

  “Ohhh.” I stopped with my mouth inches from hers. “Did that hurt?”

  “No, it felt good do it again.” We played tongue tag as I fucked her fast then slow, always mindful of my son or daughter.

  When her pussy locked down around me and she bathed my cock with her juice, I emptied inside her. It was quick but effective because I was drained.

  I kept her up there a little while longer after we’d cleaned up, because I wasn’t in the mood to share her any longer tonight.

  I wish there was a way to sneak out without bringing mom’s wrath down on my head, but I knew I’d have to wait it out.

  “We’ll make a doctor’s appointment first thing Monday morning but we won’t tell anyone else just yet. I want us to enjoy the news for a little while longer, just mommy and daddy okay.” Fuck if that daddy shit didn’t sound good.

  Funny, when I was on the circuit, and even later after I’d come home, the thought of some female telling me that I’d fucked up and got her pregnant always left me cold.

  Now with her, I was already imagining my son or daughter in chaps, following their dad around the ranch.

  “You’ve made me so happy baby.” I kissed her forehead as she laid in my arms, all soft and warm.

  “Caleb, what if it’s a false alarm?” She lifted her head but I brought it back down to my chest.

  “It’s not, I know it’s not. This is the most perfect fucking thing. It’s like having everything I’ve ever wanted all at once. Thank you.”

  And it was, now I could move as fast as I wanted, not that I hadn’t already planned to do just that, but this way I have the perfect reason.

  “We’d better head back, mom will be searching for us soon.” She fixed her face in the mirror while I made sure we were both decent to go back to our guests.

  I don’t know how decent that just fucked look was though, but hopefully anyone seeing her would put it down to the excitement of the party.

  It was only as we reached the stairs and I saw that the boys had taken up residence on the wall closest to the landing that I thought of how embarrassing it might be for her.

  One look at her radiant face put those fears to rest however, and it didn’t look like anyone else had missed us so we were in the clear.

  Mom descended on us before our feet had touched the landing and I was feeling magnanimous enough to let my woman go off with her after a whispered reminder in her ear.

  “No more champagne, not even a sip.” She smiled and gave me her assent before being dragged off to who knows where by my parent.

  I was all but busting at the seams to share the news with my boys, but like I’d told her, I wanted to savor it, just her and I, for a little while longer. There will be plenty of time to tell everyone later, after the doctor had confirmed.

  By the time the party was coming to a close I was more than ready for us to go, not that it wasn’t great. Mom had done an amazing job, and Amanda seemed to be having fun, but I was over it already.

  I felt like a kid in a candy store who couldn’t wait to get home and unwrap my goodies, all I wanted was to get her behind closed doors so I could show her just how fucking happy I was with her.

  The party was a big hit, and I watched and listened as my friends and neighbors made her welcome. I wasn’t above cutting someone off for being unkind to her.

  I was well aware that a few of the people here tonight were friends and business associates of Cecily’s dad, and that their allegiance might be put to the test.

  But when word of tonight got back as I was sure it would, I wanted it to be known that they’d chosen her.

  I was never too far from her side and I had solved the problem of the champagne question by getting her a glass of ginger ale.

  Mom was reluctant to let her go when the time came and I noticed that at least one guest wasn’t having as good a time as the others.

  Diane, as was to be expected had a sour look on her face, which I chose to ignore. I had no real interest one way or the other, other than to be grateful that my brother hadn’t shared any of the details of Amanda’s past with her.

  Because of the nature of the underground network he dealt with, he never shared that side of his job with anyone.

  I knew I could trust him, because he’d been doing it for years before he ever told me about it, and we share everything. He’d only let me in on his secret then, for necessity’s sake, because he’d needed my help.

  Like I said, I’m not overly interested in her though, she’d just have to get over it. As the eldest and heir, I knew that my choice for a mate would hold a certain position in our family, not to mention the community.

  Diane had been the only daughter in law for so long that she’d gotten comfortable in that spot. Now I’m sure she knows that with Amanda in the picture, she’d have to share, and that most likely the hierarchy was about to change.

  It wasn’t as though my parents were going to suddenly start shunning her, or that her place at the table was going to be taken away from her. But she knew the dynamics of our little dynasty, and I’m sure that’s why she was looking none too happy right now.

  Not to mention the fact that she a
nd Cecily were loosely related and I think she’d always harbored a hope that I’d marry her cousin and the two of them could continue reigning over the town, the way they always have.

  We said our goodbyes and I took her home still riding on a high. “Are you tired, do your feet hurt? I don’t know if you should wear those things in your condition.” I pointed at the stilettos on her feet in disdain.

  “What condition?”

  “You know, the baby, isn’t that dangerous?” she rolled her eyes at me, something that she was in the habit of doing a lot of lately, and that I found immensely endearing.

  “Please tell me you’re not going to be one of those dads to be.”

  “What kind of dad to be would that be?”

  “You know, the overprotective type who doesn’t let his...” She cut herself off and lowered her head.

  “His what baby? say it.”

  “His wife, do anything.” She blushed a pretty pink in the soft light of the car, and her words were whisper soft but she’d said them.

  “That’s right baby, my wife, and yes I think I am going to be one of those dads, starting right now.

  There will be no more heels, no out in the midday sun in the garden. Dammit, I’m sure mom has a book on this stuff, I should’ve looked before we left.”

  “Caleb don’t you dare, I’ll go crazy if I can’t work in the garden. And the guys have been talking about getting me some of those hardy bushes that’ll grow in the fall.”

  “I’ll get you house plants and tell the guys to shove it. No, and I think we’ll hire a cook and I’ll have the cleaning service come out more often, or do you want to hire someone fulltime?”

  “Caleb I’m not giving up my kitchen, we might have to fight for that one.”

  “Oh yeah, you think you can take me?” I wasn’t thinking when I lifted my hand and pretended to hit her, but in the end I was glad that I’d done it.

  She didn’t even flinch, just threw a punch of her own into my shoulder as she roared with laughter.

  I kissed the look of surprise off of her face when I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. I didn’t let her up until we both needed air.

  “What was that for?” She patted my chest as I pushed the hair back from her face.