The Soldier's Lady Page 2
Don’t think about it Melissa you know it’s only gonna make you eat more. I was about to head into the kitchen to find something to nibble on to ease my anxiety when the phone rang. Oh shit. My hand actually shook when I reached to answer. “Hello.”
“Hello beautiful girl.” I know he heard the deep sigh that escaped me as I found a chair to drop down into. This wasn’t really happening was it? “You called.” Was that my voice? Where did that breathy sex kitten shit come from?
“I said I would didn’t I?” Well yeah but guys like you don’t call girls like me. I thought it but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. Besides I think I’d forgotten most of the English language anyway. His voice sounded even more amazing on the phone. My heart was doing that run away thing again and I kept picturing his face as he asked me questions about myself.
I started to relax when he turned the conversation to my shop and why I chose to be a florist. He wasn’t crass or rude. Didn’t act like I should be grateful that he was giving me the time of day. In fact he acted like he was trying to win me over.
“What do I call you? The others called you Mac or Captain but...”
“Caleb, to you I’m Caleb unless we’re in bed then I’m captain.” He laughed but I liked that. He has a cocky sense of humor, which helped to put me at ease.
“Who says we’re going to go to bed together?” I bit my lip and waited for his answer. I can’t believe he’s actually flirting with me like this.
“Oh sweet Melissa it’s almost a foregone conclusion. Don’t be too put off by my attitude babe I believe in saying it like it is. I don’t like games so I don’t play them. Now we’ve gotten to know each other a little better I’ll call you for the next few days when I’m not on base. But come next weekend I’m taking you out to dinner.”
“I’d like that. Caleb?”
“What is it sweetie?”
“Don’t play me okay. If this is just some kind of joke please…just don’t.” I felt like crying, somehow I knew that if Caleb McNamara was playing me it would hurt worst than anything ever had before.
“I’ll let that one slide because we just met but in the future Melissa I’ll ask you not to lump me in with the obvious assholes that you’ve dealt with before. I’m a grown man and like I said I don’t play games. Maybe I should be asking your gorgeous ass not to be playing me.”
He thinks I’m gorgeous, I felt my face heat up and my pulse race. This was really happening. I’ve never been so happy scared at the same time in my life. I wanted this so much, more than I’d wanted anything in a long time. After Jonathan’s sick joke six months ago I’d shut myself off, promised never to put myself out there like that again. But I wanted to take that risk so bad. Please please please be for real.
We stayed on the phone for two hours. It was as though he was trying to learn everything about me in that one call. And the questions he asked were so unexpected. He wanted to know all about my childhood and my family life. My likes and dislikes, my favorite color, foods. Things I don’t think anyone else had ever taken the time to learn and the thing about it was he seemed really interested in my answers.
By the time we hung up I felt relaxed and more hopeful than I probably should. I know he said that he didn’t play games but it was going to take me a while to let down my guard. I’d been burned by that fire too often not to be careful. But boy did I want to go for it.
I called every night as promised; it was only by the third night that she started to relax. Her laugh when she finally relaxed enough to share it with me was almost as beautiful as she was. I’m starting to forget every feature of her face though and I don’t like that. I still see her face in my head but I can’t quite call to mind the light in her eyes. Not the way I could for the first two days or so.
By Saturday morning I was chomping at the bit to get to her. Instead of easing off the yen I had for her had only intensified with time. Like some sort of cosmic pull. I didn’t call her to give her a heads up just jumped out of bed with a mission. I was about to do something I never thought I ever would in my life. I’m not the gallant type. I can do nice things for the woman in my life yes, but with Melissa I felt almost compelled to go that extra mile.
I’ve learned a lot from our phone conversations and I know I have my work cut out for me. Nothing I can’t handle though and if she was half as good as I remembered she was more than worth it. I was beginning to think that I’d built her up in my mind as the days went by. There was no way she could be as gorgeous as I remembered, or that her skin could be as soft. And her eyes; my bright-eyed girl.
Our first date is tonight, she didn’t want me to pick her up, wanted to meet me there, which was cool for now. I understood her caution. She’d told me about the asshole that’d fucked her over a few months ago on top of all the other shit that she’d had to deal with in her young life. Now usually if a female tried taking me through it because of some other assholes fuck ups I’d most likely tell her see ya later. I had no intentions on doing that here. Something told me if I took some of that baggage she was carrying around off her shoulders it would be the best thing I’ve ever done. It could be that or it could be that my dick was doing the thinking and he wasn’t willing to stop until he got what the fuck he wanted. Horny fuck.
I left the house a little after noon, it was hours before date night but I needed to see her. I pulled up in front of the quaint little flower shop that looked like a little garden cottage. She was helping customers at the counter while her helper was restocking flowers in the glass case. The place was cute as hell, looked like one of those places little old ladies in hats liked to hang out and have tea or some shit.
I released the breath I hadn’t been aware of holding at the sight of her, drinking it all in. She was even better than I remembered. The fucked up lighting in that pit we’d met in hadn’t done her justice. Her body was spectacular, all curves and softness. I felt my body react and confirmed that it hadn’t been a fluke. If my dick had his way she’d be fucked in the next ten minutes. He wasn’t interested in niceties so it was up to me to play the gentleman. But the time I kept promising to give her was getting shorter and shorter.
When she was finished wrapping the flowers I walked up to the counter. “Hello beautiful girl.” I thought she would have a heart attack on my ass.
“Caleb…what?” She clutched her chest and smiled at me. I reached over and pushed her hair behind her ear. Even her fucking ears were cute. Yeah and you’re tuned up, you need to calm the fuck down and take it nice and slow. You can’t treat this one like par for the course, nice and easy does it.
“I told you I missed your face, first things first stand up.” She gave me a look of confusion but did as I asked. “Now move back…more, right there.” She was back far enough that I could see all of her. She had on another skirt only this one was more straight than flowing and her top was a button down job with the top button undone so I could just get a glimpse of her girls.
I snapped a picture with my phone. “Good thanks.” She blushed and walked back to her stool behind the counter. “What are you doing here?” I saw the minute she started thinking fucked up shit again. The light actually goes out of her eyes according to what she was thinking or feeling. This was good to know, that way I will always know if some shit I’ve done has hurt her.
“Did you need to break the date? It’s okay if you do…”
“No Melissa I need to buy some flowers for my woman that’s why I’m here.” She reacted as though I’d slapped her. Her face fell and she looked close to tears. I let the hurt last for as long as I needed to do what I’d come here to do. But that was the last time I ever wanted to put that look on her face.
“Okay what would you like?”
“What’s the rarest flower you have?”
“Um, I have hydrangea, and orchids from Hawaii…” Her voice was so sad I almost didn’t go through with it.
“I’ll take a bunch of each.” She came around and went to
get them herself. Good girl, spit in my eye if I’m going to be such a dick. Damn her ass looked hot in that skirt. I know mostly men come into these places to buy flowers for their women or at least that’s what I think. I’m not sure about anyone else seeing her ass like that.
She came back five minutes later and I could see the remnants of tears on her cheeks. Hopefully she won’t hold this shit against me for too long. I didn’t even look at the flowers when she showed them to me, just kept my eyes on her. “Are those the best you have in stock?”
“Yes sir, do you want a vase or should I just wrap them?” She kept her head down as she spoke but I could feel the heat behind her words. I almost wished she’d throw the shits in my face.
“I think those would look best in a Monique Lhuillier Atelier, do you have one of those?” Her eyes flew to mine and I’m sure she was wondering how I knew about that shit. I’d done my research and knew that was supposed to be top of the line. Only the best for my girl.
“As a matter of fact we have one in stock.” She left again and came back a few minutes later and got busy arranging them in the vase. “Did you need a card?”
“Of course. “ I signed the card she gave me and put it in the little envelope before giving it back to her to place with the flowers.
“Do you want them delivered sir?” That sir was a little snippier than the first one and I had to bite back my smile.
“No that will be okay.”
“Fine, that’s five seventy five.”
I passed her my card and she rang it up and gave me the slip to sign. She passed me the flowers over the counter with her head down again. I wanted to kiss her but not here. When I do get my hands on her it’s going to take more than one kiss to satisfy me. I turned and headed for the door.
“You’re forgetting your flowers.” She didn’t say it but I heard the asshole loud and clear. I turned back to her when I reached the door.
“I told you they were for my girl. I’ll see you at seven baby.” I didn’t wait around to watch her read her card.
My phone started ringing before I made it back to my truck. “Hey sweetie did I forget something?”
“Caleb are you insane? You can’t spend that kind of money on me what…”
“Wrong move baby, when someone does something nice for you you’re supposed to say thank you okay.”
“Don’t cry babe. I have some shit to do before our night and if I have to come back there and take care of you it’ll eat into my time and I might not get done in time. Be my good girl and hold the tears until I can hold you okay.”
“Okay.” She sniffled and her voice had gone little girl soft. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the steering wheel.
“You’re killing me Melissa.” She has this way of getting to the heart of me. Sometimes I’d be talking to her and the quality of her voice would just make me want to wrap her up in cotton balls and keep her protected.
“I’m sorry.” There she goes again, fuck.
“No need to be sorry baby just smile for me okay.”
“Okay I am.”
“Good girl.”
I hung up before I did something stupid like go back there and get her. I had a lot of thinking to do. If she could pull all this emotion from me and I hadn’t even touched her yet I wonder what the fuck was gonna happen when I did. I’ve never had this problem before, never thought ahead to the times when I might have to leave a female behind to go do my duty.
Maybe that’s why the others hadn’t worked out. There was no real connection except the physical.
With Melissa I wanted to fuck, there was no doubt about it. I have to keep myself from jacking my shit when we’re on the phone together. But I find the more I talk to her that I also wanted to own, to protect, to nurture. All new territory for my ass.
Chapter 4
We decided to meet at the restaurant of her choice. I’d called ahead and secured a table overlooking the water and a bit secluded from the rest of the room. I made sure to get there a little earlier than her because I wanted to watch her walk in. I wanted the whole experience.
The restaurant was semi formal; I hung up my jeans for charcoal grey cashmere slacks and the silk Black label sweater mom had insisted on buying me the last time she went shopping. According to her she despaired of me ever wearing anything but denim or fatigues again so she has taken it upon herself to become my personal shopper. I’ll have to remember to call and thank her. Though if she was going to grill me the way she did when I called to ask about the vase I might put it off for a while. She’s worse than any drill sergeant the military ever produced.
She came through the door and every hair on my body stood on end. What the fuck was that? As the hostess brought her over to the table I kept hearing the strains of an old song my dad used to sing for mom when I was younger. ‘The Lady In Red.’ She took my fucking breath away.
I stood as she reached the table and pulled her seat out for her. I couldn’t help kissing her shoulder as she sat. Her scent was intoxicating, and her skin soft beneath my lips. “You look amazing baby.” Her whole body blushed as I pushed her chair in.
“Can I ask you a question Melissa?” She looked at me with her bright eyes and that amazing smile that got me in the gut.
“Sure what is it?”
“How the fuck are you so beautiful? No strike that beautiful is too tame a word…you’re, I don’t know that there’s a word to describe what I see when I look at you.”
“Caleb you’re gonna make me blush.” I couldn’t resist taking her hand in mine. I had to have the contact, needed it.
“Before we go any farther tonight I need to say something to you. I heard everything you’ve said in the last few days and I’m willing to give you all the time you need because you deserve it. Just don’t make me wait too long okay.” I touched the blush on her cheek and she turned her face into my palm. So fucking sweet.
My phone rang in the middle of our appetizers. The conversation was flowing easily the way it does when we’re on the phone. I could see her shyness shedding bit by bit and she was starting to relax. I think the flower stunt had been a nice icebreaker after all though she seemed hung up on the cost. I just had to work on getting her to believe that she was worth that and more.
“I have to take this babe it’s the base go ahead and order me the steak medium well with the works.” I stepped outside ready to blast whoever the fuck was on the other end of the line. They better not be calling me over some stupid bullshit.
I released the breath I’d been holding. I can’t believe how nice this all was. It was hands down the best date I’ve ever had. He was so attentive and the way he held my hand, as if he couldn’t help himself. I kept waiting for the punch line but he just kept getting better and better.
His call was taking a while but that was okay I needed the time to decompress. I’m wound so tight I’m afraid I’d say or do the wrong thing. Jen had talked me into wearing this fire engine red off the shoulder dress with a cinched waist. It was more risqué than I was used to but she’d insisted it was perfect with the red pumps that made my calves look amazing.
I saw him returning and my pulse started going crazy all over again. He’s so perfect and gorgeous and I didn’t miss the looks he was getting from the other women. I guess he must be accustomed to it because he didn’t even look, not even at the ones that were so obviously trying to get his attention.
“Sorry about that baby, there was a minor emergency and it was either head back there or talk them through it.”
“That’s okay I understand.” I picked up my fork to get started on my salad as he spread his napkin over his lap.
"Babe, what the fuck?"
"What're you eating?"
"Uhm, a salad why?" He looked at me like I'd lost my damn mind. Oh please don't say anything that's going to hurt my feelings, not after the evening had been going so well.
"Seriously Melissa?"
He raised his hand and called the server back over. I felt my breath hitch a little because I had no idea what he was about to do. If he embarrassed me now I would just die. He had his jaw set and though I didn’t know him very well, had only seen him twice somehow I knew he was upset. I didn’t look around to see if others were looking at us, just sat there waiting for that punch line.
"Yes sir may I help you?" Toothpick girly looked like she wanted to do more than help him if you ask me. "Yeah, bring me another steak medium well and a baked potato with all the trimmings."
"Is something wrong with that one sir?" She looked a little confused poor thing.
"Oh, okay." When she finally got that there was nothing else forthcoming she hightailed it over to the computer to put the order in.
"Melissa, do me a favor; don't insult me like that again. You're a healthy woman with curves, fucking lettuce and bullshit did not give you those curves. I'm here with you because I like your curves; you start eating this shit…no more curves. You follow? Now lets share until your food’s ready.”
He cannot be real and this is not my life. He cut his steak in half and took half of my Mediterranean salad. Then he proceeded to feed me from his fork. I think I might just die before the night was over.
The night was beyond my wildest expectations. Over a shared dessert of Tiramisu, which he once again fed me from his fork, we laughed and joked like we’d been doing it forever. I didn’t once think of my weight or being less than he deserved. He made me feel like I was the one doing him a favor by being there. It was too surreal to believe. Gradually that feeling of impending doom faded as the evening wore on.