The Soldier's Lady Page 5
I had to stroke my cock, which was back to full hardness, something that usually takes me a bit longer to accomplish after I’ve cum. I sat on the built in bench and pulled her down over me. “Are you on birth control baby?” I’d forgot to ask her that one pertinent question. She nodded her head yes as she sat down fully on my cock. Her eyes closed and she bit into her lip until I sucked it from between her teeth and fed her my tongue instead.
“I love the feel of your ass in my hands baby, umm.” I worked her up and down on my cock as she moaned my name into my mouth. Her pussy was unbelievably tight and snug and my cock was so deep inside her I felt like I’d never want to leave. “I love the way you move on my cock.” She moved a little faster as my whispered words were getting to her.
When she slammed down too hard and cried out I soothed her with soft strokes down her back. “It’s okay baby just take as much as you need.” I buried my face in her neck sucking the skin between my teeth and her pussy contracted around me hard as her juices flowed down my length. “I need to pound your pussy baby, can’t do it like this.”
I stood with her impaled on my cock and turned off the water.
“Caleb…” She tried climbing off my cock and I slapped her ass hard. Her legs tightened around me and she pushed herself harder down on my fuck meat riding me up and down all the way to the bed. I placed her at the very edge and lifted her legs over my shoulders. “Tell me if I hurt you baby.”
“Okay.” I watched her closely for any discomfort as I started a slow back and forth stroke into her; feeding her more and more of my dick with each stroke. She was very wet and less tense so I doubt there would be any problems. “You’re taking me so good baby, feel that. I’m gonna put my whole cock inside you this time.” I pulled back and ever so gently eased all the way in. “Fuck yeah.”
I let her body get used to having me so deep before I got down to serious fucking. With her ankles held in my hands I spread her open and sped up my thrust as she moved like a dream around my cock. I never took my eyes from the place where we were mated. The sight of my cock sliding in and out of her pink pussy was blowing my mind. We fit, that’s the only thought going through my head as I fucked her. That and I can’t wait to have her again.
“Play with your tits for me baby.” She placed both hands on her nipples and pulled and I couldn’t resist. She has the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen. Round and plump and firm as fuck. Bending her double I laid on top of her fully. “Feed me.” She held up her nipple to my mouth and I sucked the pebbled tip into my mouth laving it with my tongue. Her pussy clenched and more of her juices flowed as visions of my sons and daughters feeding at her breasts flooded my mind.
I had to go after her clit with my fingers because the scene playing through my head was too much and I knew I wouldn’t last. “Scream for me beauty.” With my thumb pressed into her clit I flexed my cock inside her as I stroked and she screamed as her body convulsed. I pulled out and stroked cum from my cock onto her tummy as she rubbed her clit and moaned. “Eat my cum.” She used her fingers to scoop some into her mouth and I fed her the rest. Have to get her used to my taste.
I dropped down on the bed beside her and rolled onto my side bringing her into my arms for a long heated kiss. The shit was supposed to be a wind down but the way my cock was misbehaving I think her pussy was in for a long night. That’s what she gets for making my ass wait so long. I have weeks to make up for.
“Why did you pull out? I told you I’m protected.” She was still my shy girl though she tried to be brave; her face was red as a cherry.
“Yeah but when I cum inside you I don’t want anything between my seed and your womb.” Let her make of that what she will. Tonight only confirmed what I’d suspected the first moment I saw her and what I’d come to learn in the last few weeks. She was mine. This beautiful adorable creature owned my heart and since she now owned my dick as well there was nothing left to say. I wasn’t even going to wait for her to get on board. I’ve been dropping hints all over the place, not my fault if she didn’t get it. I’ll give her a steady dose of cock in the next few days before I drop the news on her though.
“You’re not leaving baby so get comfortable.” I pulled her in tighter and settled down for the night. I couldn’t believe how right this felt, how perfectly the night had unfolded. Wow, fucking blown away. Tomorrow I’ll take her to task for making me wait this long over her bullshit. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with her amazing body, which I knew all along. Her curves fucking owns my dick and I can’t wait to fuck her again and again and again. There’s no way we were ever going back to that shy bullshit. I knew my girl had fire I’d glimpsed it sometimes when she danced. But I didn’t know she had that much inside her. Hopefully my heart and my cock could sustain it for the next sixty years or so.
Chapter 8
In the morning she tried jumping out of bed before first light. “Where you going babe?” I peeked from beneath my lowered lids at her. I’d turned to her twice more during the night, her soft curves beckoning me. I know she has to be sore and tired. I squeezed her around her middle when she didn’t answer me right away.
“Um, I thought you might want me to leave soon.” That woke me the hell up.
“Melissa what the fuck?” I leaned over her so I could see her face. She looked uncertain and a little wary, almost broke my fucking heart. If I ever meet the asshole that did this to her his ass was toast. I wasn’t about to let his fuckery interfere with my life though not now not ever. She had to learn especially after the night we’d just shared that this was different, that we were different. I’ve been taking it easy on her to a certain extent throughout our courtship but it’s time she met the man she’d given herself to. She might as well get to know all of me because there’s no going back. I took my time to formulate my words correctly. My anger wasn’t at her but at the circumstances that had caused her to be this way. I didn’t want there to be any taint on our first morning after. I knew that my baby needed a little extra care because of all the bullshit in her head so it was up to me as her man to see that she got it. I’m not the most tactful motherfucker though and she might feel the burn.
“You see this room? You’re the first woman to ever cross that door. When you pass that door you leave all the bullshit out there. In here it’s just you and me. No fucked up past, no hang ups nothing. I don’t know what kinda man fucks his woman for the first time and then kicks her out of his bed at dawn and I don’t wanna know the fuck. But you need to understand that you’re not dealing with a boy here okay. And this is the last fucking time we’re going there. Now put your head down and go to sleep. I need my rest after you wore my ass out.” I pulled her to me and settled down.
“Let me put your mind at ease once and for all. Listen good here now baby. What we did last night is called sealing the deal. That means you and I are now officially in a committed relationship. I know you don’t know what the fuck that means so I’ll teach you as we go, try to keep up. When we get up together in a couple hours we’re gonna shower together. I might fuck you again up against the shower wall if my dick have any life left after the number you did on him last night. Your greedy pussy just about put him outta commission.” She howled with laughter at that one; that’s more like it.
“You through laughing at my poor abused dick?” She nodded as tears ran down her cheeks from laughing at my ass. “When I’m through fucking you we’re gonna go downstairs and make breakfast together and then I’ll take you home to get ready for work. We good?”
“Yes, thank you.” She cuddled into me with her beautiful smile, and fuck if I didn’t feel like I’d won the lottery.
I woke up a few hours later with her still in my arms. Sniffing her neck I nuzzled her awake and turned her to her back before her eyes were fully open. My morning wood slipped into her with ease and she started moving before I’d even got half way inside her. With my face buried in her neck and her skin caught in
my teeth just in case I hadn’t marked her just right the night before for the whole world to see I ground my cock into her. “I could fuck you all day baby. I wish you didn’t have to go into the shop today. I need at least twelve more hours of your hot pussy to satisfy me.” She likes me to talk to her all soft and shit when we fuck. Her pussy answered me by clenching down and showering me with her juices.
“You want me to do you from behind again? You like me to fuck you hard and deep from behind don’t you my naughty girl?” I pulled out and helped her onto her knees. Grabbing a fistful of her hair I pulled her back onto my cock and went all the way home. She was taking me better though she still made those little hurt noises in her throat. “Take my cock like a big girl baby. I’ll lick your little pussy later and make it all better.”
I played with her ass cheeks as I plowed into her. I wonder how long it will take before she lets me in her ass? If she takes too long I’ll just have to take it. I want in there soon. “Caleb…ahh.”
“I know baby take it, get used to having my cock that far inside you.” She spread her legs a little wider and dipped her back to ease the pressure and my cock went even deeper. I threw my head back and growled, too overcome by emotion to speak. A pussy shouldn’t feel this fucking good. How the fuck is a body supposed to do anything else but fuck after tasting this shit? I wanted to tie her to my bed and keep her there for my pleasure. I could fuck her whenever and however I want. This is the crazy shit that ran through my head a s I fucked sweet Melissa.
Leaning over her back I whispered in her ear. “I think you’re in trouble here little Melissa. I Caleb James McNamara now claim ownership of you Melissa Jackson.” Her scream was louder than all the others that had come before and her movements on my cock sped up.
“Do you want me to cum in your back again or you want to swallow me? Think fast babe I’m close.” She pulled off and turned sucking me into her mouth greedily. “Fuck baby.” She tried taking all of me but there were still a few inches left which she stroked with her soft hand. Jacking me into her mouth as she moaned around my cock. I shot a couple loads before my beauty held her head back to show me her mouth full of my jizz. She swallowed while I latched onto her nipple and sucked as I rubbed my newly offloaded dick into her wet pussy lips.
I got up from the bed and went to run us a bath. I knew she had to be at work in a few hours but I wasn’t about to let her leave without taking care of her. She was mine now and I’d made up in my mind to show her how much she was loved not so much with words as with deeds. Words had been used to hurt her too much in the past. She needed action to wipe all that shit clean.
I came back into the bedroom where she was buried under the covers. “Let’s go beauty your bath is ready.” She tried leaving the bed with the sheet wrapped around her. “Lose the sheet babe.” She looked at me uncertainly but I held her eyes until she dropped it. She started towards me with her head down. “Head up…shoulders back…good girl. Now come to me.” She walked with tentative steps, each one I could see was a little painful for her but no way she’s hiding from me again. If she wants to continue hiding from the world, or the world is too fuck stupid to appreciate just how fucking awesome she was then fuck them.
I wrapped her in my arms when she finally reached me and jabbed her in her middle with my hardening cock. “Babe I don’t know how much you know about sex and physical attraction but a man does not fuck a woman all night and then some unless he absolutely loves what he sees. Feel that; I just fucked you for damn near an hour. My dick by all rights should be hiding by now but instead he wants you again. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” I know she’s a little green from our conversations but even she can’t be that innocent.
I behaved myself in the bath restraining myself to only washing her body and stealing kisses. From the little hissing noises she made each time I passed the washcloth between her pussy lips I knew she was sore.
I took her out and dried us both of before keeping my promise from earlier. “Hold on.” I leaned her over one of the sinks in the bathroom and licked her sore pussy from behind until she flooded my mouth. My cock was showing signs of life but he’d have to wait until later. The poor girl was gonna walk funny for a while, which reminded me. “Go lay on the bed babe I have to take care of your pussy, can’t have her going out of commission.” I got some medicated ointment out of the cabinet and kneeling on the floor between her spread thighs, worked some into her pussy with my middle finger. Of course I couldn’t be that close to her pussy without getting some type of action. So I sucked her clit while I rubbed the cream inside her and that led to her last orgasm of the morning.
We got dressed and headed downstairs. “What would you like babe? Steak and eggs sounds good?”
“Okay I guess. Caleb where did you get all these pictures of me?” She was looking back into the living room where there was a photo of her on the mantle.
“I snapped that one the night of our first kiss.”
“But why do you have so many? I didn’t even realize you’d taken some of these.” She pinked up a little and seemed rather pleased with herself.
“I like looking at you and since before last night you weren’t here those were the best I could do.” I wasn’t about to make a big deal out of it. Not only is she my woman, she’s also fucking gorgeous; so why the fuck wouldn’t I have pictures of her all over my house? I wanted everyone too see my catch, women aren’t the only ones who like to show that shit off.
“Now come sit here at the island and I’ll whip us up some breakfast.” I used the indoor grill to make the steaks and brewed a pot of coffee. “How’re you feeling?” I poured her a glass of juice while we waited.
“I’m a little sore but I’ll be fine.”
I touched her hot cheek as she blushed, and stole another kiss. It seems I couldn’t help myself. It was going to be hard keeping my hands to myself from now on. I’m already into touching her whenever we’re out together. Now with our relationship changed those touches might be fired up. I have no problem showing her affection in public and she seems to thrive on it. In the beginning she seemed surprised when I’d hold her hand as we walked or put my arm around her when we sat in a booth to eat. Now she’s more relaxed with it. I figure if I keep it up when we’re alone like this she’d be completely attuned to it and it would just come naturally.
After breakfast I took her home and headed back to my place to do some shit around the house. I had to change the sheets and air out the room because it smelled like just what it was. A room where two people had fucked all night.
All day I kept getting flashes of her and the night we had. My dick was in pussy heaven the greedy fuck and I kept checking my watch for the time when she’d be though with work. Saturday is a half-day at her shop and she’s closed on Sundays. With this being my down weekend that meant more fucking. She’d be lucky if she saw sunlight until Monday morning.
I found myself grinning for no fucking reason whatsoever throughout the day, and by the time three hours had gone by I was calling her. I think it was pretty safe to say the captain was fucked.
Chapter 9
After our short conversation where I’d whispered some of the nasty shit I wanted to do to her I got some stuff together for dinner. I wasn’t in the mood to go out tonight I wanted her alone, just the two of us. When I noticed that the sun had gone down and she still wasn’t here yet I got a bit worried. Did she get lost? She’d never been here before last night but I’d taken care of that. I called her while I turned the salmon on the outdoor grill. I was making my baby a nice seafood dinner.
“Babe where are you?”
“I’m home.”
“Home where?”
“Um the condo.” I held the bridge of my nose between my fingers and took a deep breath. “If you’re not here in half an hour I’m coming to get you.” I didn’t give her a chance to answer just hung up the phone.
I went out on the driveway to wait for her after turnin
g off the fire. She was driving towards me twenty minutes later, time enough for me to have calmed down a little. I pointed her to the garage and waited until she pulled in. I met her at the car door and opened it for her helping her out. “Babe, this morning when I took you home I distinctly remember putting my address into your GPS. What the fuck did you think that was for?”
“I know but you didn’t say anything about me coming over tonight.” She was doing that shy uncertain shit again and though I adore her shyness I hate the uncertainty. Taking her jaw in my hand I had to rein in my anger. “Listen, are you listening? I waited for her nod. “When a man fucks you, marks you and tells you that he owns you that’s just what the fuck he means. It means that you’re now mine. You know me well enough by now to know that if I say those things to you that means your ass is here with me when you’re not working unless I’ve said otherwise. I gave you a fucking key Melissa, what the fuck? Are you getting what I’m saying here?”
She nodded her head once, her eyes wide on mine. I’m guessing that’s because she’s not accustomed to me being rough with her. “I want the words, say yes captain I hear you.” Fuck me her body shook.
“Yes captain I hear you.” I covered her mouth with mine, nipping her bottom lip as punishment. “Get your ass inside.” Did she just cum from me handling her? Damn she was digging herself in deeper and deeper.