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The Soldier's Lady Page 6

  “Since you fucked up and wasted time you’ll have to wait on dinner.” I backed her up against the wall in the kitchen just inside the door. She was wearing one of those long flowing dresses that she liked so much. With my hand riding up her leg beneath it I covered her mouth once more. I found her pussy with my fingers and pushing her panties aside slid three fingers inside her while she sucked on my tongue. I used my other hand to fight with my zipper and release my cock. “Take me into your hand.”

  She stroked my dick while I finger fucked her. When I felt like I was about to spend in her hand I pulled away and getting to me knees put my head under her dress, took off her panties and licked her pussy. “Spread your legs for me.” She spread wider making room for me as I sunk my tongue deeper into her wet heat. I squeezed her ass until she rode my tongue the way I liked.

  Just as she was about to cum I pulled my tongue out and stood pulling her dress over her head. I unclasped her bra on the way to the table where I laid her out before fucking into her. She screamed out loud from the power of my thrust. “Shh, be my good girl and take it. I need this I missed you so fucking much.” I bit into her nipple to take her mind off the pain of my cock in her pussy.

  She was still a little swollen from this morning but she wasn’t as red. I lifted her legs higher and bored into her rubbing against her clit. Soon she was fucking up at me and begging me not to stop. Again that wild feeling of possession overtook me and I wanted to maul her. No fucking joke. I wanted to bite and mark her everywhere. I wanted to stay inside her heat and never leave. There was a fire burning out of control in my gut and my balls and all I wanted to do was cum. “I want you off of birth control as soon as fucking possible. And Melissa in case there’s any confusion that means as soon as the time is right I plan to breed you.” Her whole body locked down around me and she didn’t scream this time. I don’t know what the fuck you would call the sound that came out of her mouth but I knew it was all good.

  When I was through shooting onto her stomach I took her upstairs to clean up. Over a dinner of salmon and rice we talked about her day. “ It was a pretty good day except I broke my watch.” She showed me her hand where the watch her grandmother had given her years ago had been.

  “They can’t fix it you checked?”

  “Yeah I called, they said it can’t be fixed it’s done. I guess I’ll just keep it in my jewelry box as a keepsake.” I knew how much that watch meant to her. It was one of the few things she had left from her grandma who from her accounts was the only true friend she’d ever had.

  I tried not to judge her family too harshly, especially her mother. But no matter how she tried to hide up shit I read between the lines. Her mother had never once asked to meet me, as if anyone Melissa brought home wasn’t worth knowing. Meanwhile my mom was on my ass every other day. I guess I’d shared a bit too much with her ass. Knowing her she probably already had the church picked out.

  For her thirty-five was way too late for me to be getting started. And since Melissa was the first woman I’d ever mentioned to her since my high school days she knew the score. My mom knows me like the back of her hand or so she’s fond of saying so she’s pretty much chomping at the bit. I can’t wait for my two favorite girls to meet. Not to mention I’m sure mom would be a great role model for my baby. She doesn’t take shit from anyone and she doesn’t suffer fools easily. Between the two of us we’ll have our Melissa well insulated from the bullshit in no time. On the other hand mom is a hell raiser and my poor old man has been lamenting that fact since I was old enough to understand what all his mumblings were about. Who the fuck knows what her and my little sister would have my woman getting up to?

  “Come here.” I pulled her from her chair down onto my lap wrapping my arms around her and nuzzling her neck in my favorite spot. She was covered in my mark from her neck to the top of her pussy and somehow that still wasn’t enough.

  “What do you feel like doing this evening baby? You want to go out on the boat or just sit out back there and watch the sunset?”

  “I’d love to sit and watch the sunset. Maybe we can go out on the boat some other time.”

  “You scared to get on my boat beauty?”

  “I’ve just never been on one before that’s all.”

  “That’s okay I’ll teach you how to pilot it. I’ll make us some sangria.”

  I made us a pitcher of the fruity drink and took her hand leading her out back to the lawn chairs I had set up back there. There were a few boats out on the water as we sat side by side, holding hands and enjoying our drinks. When the traffic thinned down to next to nothing as the sun began its descent I pulled her over onto my lap. “Lift your skirt in back babe.” She looked over her shoulder at me and back at the water.

  “Just do as I say babe.” She lifted her skirt in back and sat on my cock that I’d released from my unzipped jeans. “Just move nice and slow babe no one will ever know that I’m fucking you.” She moved her ass slowly in circles and little up and down movements as we watched the sun go down. I knew I wouldn’t cum from this and I had plans for her out here, I just needed everyone to get the fuck off the water.

  As soon as I was sure there were no stragglers heading our way I started lifting her up and down harder on my cock. “I need your mouth babe turn around.” I helped her twist around and straddle me. Pulling down the top of her dress I pushed her bra aside and sucked her nipple into my mouth. “Ride me baby.” She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer as she rode my cock. She was taking me deeper and deeper, her body freer than the night before. “I want you naked…uh uh uh, don’t question me remember, just do as I say.”

  She helped me pull her dress over her head her face a fiery red. I pushed her back slightly so I could look down at her body as I grabbed her ass and fucked up into her. “Where do you feel me baby?” She bit her lip and pointed to her navel. I smacked her ass hard and stopped moving.

  “Say it.”

  “In my tummy.” I had the strongest urge to bend her over in the open and fuck her like a wild beast. “Hop off.” She lifted off my cock and stood next to me, her body twitching. “Hands and knees.” She knelt in the soft grass and I got down behind her. I was still wearing my jeans but saw no need to remove them, my cock had all the room he needed to get the job done. I had to suck on her pussy just once more before fucking her again. I licked from her pussy to her ass and back before sucking on her clit. She started cumming right away so I pushed my tongue inside her to catch all that sweetness.

  When her body calmed I took my mouth away from her and sank my cock inside her while leaning over her back and taking the skin of her neck between my teeth. “This is how a man fucks his mate, hard, wild and deep, no finesse. I want you to scream for me, beg me to fuck you.” I knew her natural shyness would prevent her from obeying me right away but I was ready for that. Three hard smacks to her ass got her started. “Beg.”

  “Please…fuck me.”

  “Please who?”

  “Please captain, fuck me.”

  “Good girl, now tell me how you want me to fuck your pussy and say the words.”

  “Hard, fuck me hard, fuck my pussy hard.” She wasn’t worried about being caught anymore her only thought now was of the cock that was pounding away inside her. When I’d made her cum on my cock twice more I pulled out and aimed at her asshole covering it with my jizz before rubbing it in and testing the waters. She didn’t complain when I put just the tip of my finger inside her so I’m guessing it wasn’t a no no.


  My life has been a roller coaster ride for the past few weeks, ever since Caleb and I started sleeping together. He has completely taken over my life and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t absolutely love it. He growls when I do something he doesn’t like and he spanks when he thinks I’m being too sassy. We see each other everyday. The first time I got my period I thought for sure I should stay home. I mean why would he want me over there with my miserable cramping self? But when I’d ca
lled him from home and told him what was going on, after I’d overcome the embarrassment that is; he’d cussed a blue streak.

  Less than an hour later he was coming through the door with the key I’d given him and I was mortified. I was wearing old baggy sweats and one of his tee shirts he’d left one of the few times he’d stayed over. We spent most nights at his place because he hated the city and there was no place to move around he said.

  That night he’d come into the condo, picked me up from the couch where I’d been buried under a mound of covers feeling sorry for myself, and taken me into the bedroom. He took the bag he’d been carrying and headed into the kitchen only to return not long after with a hot water bottle and a cup of mint tea. “Mom said this works.” He climbed into bed beside me and that’s where he’d stayed all night and the next morning. It was mind blowing.

  Tonight we’re at his place because there was a long weekend coming up and we had plans with some of the guys from the base. There was some type of soiree for one of the lieutenants or something. Anyway Jen was going to be there and some of the other army wives that I’d met in the last few months so it should be fun. He came and sat next to me on the couch and dropped a box in my lap. “Check this out.”

  "Wow Caleb that's really nice."

  "You like it?"

  "What's not to like? It’s gorgeous; who's it for, your mom or your sister?" Lucky duck.

  Why was he giving me the ‘you're nuts’ glare again? Seems he's always throwing one of those my way at least once every other day.

  "Now why would you ask me such a stupid fuck question?"

  Now it was my turn to look confused. I know he wasn't about to tell me he had another chick on the side, not that it was an impossibility; I mean the man was damn near perfect in every way. But we'd grown so close in the short few months we'd been together. And besides he didn't strike me as the type to be so crass as to show me something he'd bought for another woman. But I couldn't figure out for the life of me just who the extraordinarily beautiful watch he was showing me could be for.

  "Did you or did you not tell me your watch broke?" That's when I started to hyperventilate. He didn't just buy me a Rolex datejust with a diamond-encrusted watchband. A watch I knew cost well over thirty grand because I've been collecting magazine cutouts of it for the last two years...

  Chapter 10


  I waited for her reaction to see just how far we’d come. In the last few weeks I’ve been chipping away at the shell of insecurity that surrounds her, but I knew there was still a lot to be done. Mom has been too busy with dad and his work so there was never a good time for a meet, though they’ve spoken on the phone several times. If my parents lived closer it would’ve been easier but I would have to have time off to take her up there, which I’m hoping for in the near future.

  Jen is another huge help as well as a couple more of her friends. They don’t realize it yet but whenever we’re out together I pay very close attention to the way they treat and talk to her. Why? Because I’ve got plans to separate the wheat from the chaff. Anyone I find that’s not a positive force in her life will be out by the time I’m through.

  My mind had wandered there for a sec but it came back when she jumped into my lap and covered my face with kisses. I took the stupid watch from her and put it on her wrist while she bounced like a two year old. I grinned at her and nuzzled my spot on her neck. “You’re a goof my Melissa.”

  In the weeks since I’d taken her to my bed she’s loosened up considerably. She’s a lot more relaxed though there are times when she withdraws back into her uncertainty. I’m trying to map the patterns to see if there’s any particular event or interaction with a particular person that causes it. I know her mom is one big trigger for her but I have to be more diplomatic with that one. Don’t get me wrong I plan on dealing with her ass too but Melissa loves her mom so whatever I do I have to do it in a way that doesn’t hurt my girl. That’s a tough one for me though, the holding back.

  “You sure you want to go out? We can just stay in and you can thank me nicely for your gift.” I pinched her ass because she was turning her hand left to right and staring at the light reflected off her watchstrap. “If you’re a really good boy captain I promise to suck your cock on the way home.” Well now my boy perked right up at that one. I’ve found out that I was right in the beginning. Though she is shy and reserved the girl, when she loosens up has a mouth on her. “You’re an abominable tease.”

  “It’s time to get ready we don’t want to be late again, remember what happened last time. Everyone knew why we were late it was embarrassing.” The last time we were late meeting the others Jen had called at an inopportune moment and the cat was out of the bag. It’s not my fault that she wears the sexiest fucking dresses when we’re going out and I can’t control my baser instincts. “I told you not to answer the damn phone.”

  “It’s a natural reaction I can’t hear a phone ring and not answer. What if something’s wrong?” Of course I’d fucked into her harder at the precise moment she’d picked up the phone and her ‘so deep captain’ was the first thing the person on the other end had heard. Jen being Jen had shared that little tidbit with the others and my baby had spent the rest of the night with her face buried in my chest from the teasing. I’d taken it all in stride, they already knew I was a horn dog the way I kept pawing at her.

  I was drawing her out through touch yes, but the reality was that I just can’t be near her and not touch her in some way. It’s as though I need the connection, the constant reminder that she’s there and she’s mine. When we’re apart I miss her and when we’re at home together we’re always close. She thrives on the closeness and attention and it does my heart good to see her blossoming so beautifully.

  “Okay let’s go, I only need like ten minutes though while you on the other hand takes for damn near ever.” “It’s a female thing captain, we have a lot more to work with than you guys.” She kissed me hard and hopped off my lap and headed for the stairs. “If you hurry maybe we can have a quickie in the shower, kill two birds with one stone.” She threw one of her cocky grins over her shoulder at me. She screamed and ran when I jumped up off the couch with a growl. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”


  The place was swarming with people by the time we arrived. I stayed close to Caleb because there were a lot of unknowns here. We made our way over to the table where Jen and Spanks and some of the others were already seated. Thank heavens no one asked any embarrassing questions especially since the captain had gone all caveman and left a huge mark on my neck that showed. At least they couldn’t see the one above my nipple though the dress was cut a little low. We’d had a bit of an argument about that but since I didn’t have anything else to wear he’d given in, but barely. I wasn’t sure I was out of the water completely though because his jaw was still a tight.

  He got caught up with some of his friends with army talk while I whispered with the girls. Or more to the point they were whispering to me. I guess they’d saved the embarrassing questions for my ears only. “So Mel, you guys try anal yet?” I looked around to make sure no one was listening and just at that moment Caleb turned those piercing eyes on me. I wasn’t sure if he’d somehow overheard which would be damn near impossible or if this was just his usual way. He always seemed to sense when I was looking at him. He turned back to his conversation so I guess we were safe. “Jen we can’t talk about that here.” I pointed around the room at all the dignified looking people in their eveningwear. She just shrugged her shoulders and carried on. “No we haven’t okay…I’m not sure, I’m not completely against it but.”

  “But nothing there’s nothing to be afraid of just make sure back there is…you know and go for it. Trust me it’s the best thing you’ll ever do.” I could’ve said something like there’s no way the captain’s monster dick was fitting into my ass but that would’ve been too crass. Though I’ve become more and more bold lately I wasn’t ready for the b
ig leagues. I was still getting used to the idea that this was all real and not some joke of which I was the brunt. I showed off my new watch and enjoyed the looks of envy from the others just to change the subject.

  The others eventually got up to mill around and do their own thing while Caleb went to get us something to drink. I noticed some girls at the next table checking him out and whispering to each other. I felt that slight ping that was always there no matter how hard I tried. They were so much more his type than I was. They were thin and beautiful and everything that I wasn’t. I’m always waiting for the day he wakes up and realizes that he can do so much better. That easily the evening was ruined and I tried to hide it when he came back to the table with two flutes of champagne. I tried fixing myself up a bit but who am I kidding? I’ll never be able to compete.

  "Stop doing that shit babe." I jumped at the sound of his voice; I'd been lost in thought there for a minute. "Doing what?"

  "Comparing yourself to other women; why do females do that shit anyway? I'm here with you right."

  I squirmed in my chair a little; didn't the man miss anything? Must come from being in the army.

  "Yeah you are but they're all checking you out." Which made me want to scratch their eyes out.

  "The fuck you care? I see dudes checking you out, all it means is that I’ve got kick ass taste." He's so sweet, especially since he pulled me roughly into his chest and kissed me right there at our table where the anorexic twins next to us could see.

  The lights had nothing on the high beam of my smile when he was through. I looked over in time to catch their looks of disbelief. That's right heifers eat your hearts out.

  "Forget them babe, what's up with this anal thing you and your girls were yakking about?" He smirked at me as I almost choked on my sip of champagne...