Lady Boss (The Spitfire Book 2) Read online

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  "So why did you still give me shit, you knew by then...."

  "Just my way of messing with you....." Cocky grin, I pulled my hair, what the fuck, I felt like I was spinning out of control, how had all these things happened without me knowing, I obviously had to go through my organization for any more moles. Most of the guys were from grandpa's time, if not his men then their sons and nephews. That's how it was; the mob is an incestuous bitch.

  I turned to Mikey and Tony. "When this shit is done I'm calling a meeting, I don't want any more surprises, the fucking Chicago mafia infiltrated us, and we had no fucking clue, who else did?"

  "You're clean Flanagan, we did a run on all your men, not only did your grandfather run a tight ship, but you've got a good head on your shoulders. You were looking for the best and you got it, Tommy is the best at what he does, the fact that you put him on my daughter goes a long way to proving to me where she stands with you. Trust me if these things weren't adding up in your favor there's no way she would be marrying you?"

  "Wanna bet?" I'd shoot his ass right here......

  "Take it easy Tommy two thumbs don't shoot the cadaver, we've got things to do." She pushed me towards the table.

  Chapter 6

  Prince of the City

  We went back to reading and planning. I called out for food around seven in the evening we'd been poring over her notes for hours.

  I had her sitting next to me so I could feel her, know she was safe, because each time I read how she had broken into some place or the other my blood ran cold.

  The fact that she'd been in danger all this time, in my own backyard made me see red. When I got to the part about someone breaking into her bedroom back at home in Chicago I wanted to tear the motherfucker apart.

  Luckily she'd been out gathering information that night and had escaped whatever the fuck had been in store for her. She'd left the next day, no wonder.

  Now we knew the Staccos had tried to make good on their kidnapping threat. Dead motherfuckers, they were getting more and more dead by the minute.

  I pulled out my phone at the end of my rope, fuck this shit.

  "Where the fuck is Stacco?" I listened to the voice on the other end of the line. My men knew better than to make any excuses to me, especially when I used that tone of voice.

  I hung up after getting the information, not what I wanted but it'll do for now.

  "Let's roll." I was talking to Mikey and Tony but the other three got up as well.

  "Fuck you two coming with?" Who the fuck was supposed to lead in this situation, I don't brush up on mobster one o one like these Chicago freaks, they probably had some kind of etiquette attached to this shit, well I never had any intentions on going on a hit with another boss, the fuck do I know about this shit?

  It's my turf, but this guy outranks me in our world, sorta, know what I mean, not to mention he's my new father in law on top of that, they'd tried to hit him, he deserved retribution, fuck.

  They were checking their guns; including my little gentle violet. Breathe the sarcasm.

  "Mouth you’re not going."

  " promised."

  "Yes I did and I will keep my promise that you can help us in this situation, you can be of great help by trying to decode those cryptic messages you intercepted."

  "Nice try Carmine Persico, but no dice, a deals a deal welch."

  "Fuck." I had my head down, my hand to my forehead as if thinking really hard. Know your enemy. The Art of War one o one, she read that shit too though, she'd be watching for my play, my baby was smart. Gotta be smarter, how was I gonna play this?

  There's no way in hell she's going, fuck that. Ma would have my balls for sure I take her new daughter in law out on a hit, uhuh.

  "Okay, but if we're gonna do this then you have to wear a vest.......I don't want to hear it." I cut her off as soon as she opened her mouth to argue.

  "If you want to come along you have to wear one."

  "Where am I supposed to get a vest?" Now we were in a face off.

  "What am I an amateur, let's go."

  She gave me a suspicious look before following me to the door.

  "I don't know about this new son in law of mine Alphonso, he doesn't seem to be any better at handling her than I am."

  I ignored the old man as I led her to my place. Mutt and Jeff were behind us with shit eating grins on their faces. Assholes, I gave them each a glare which did nothing to stop their disrespectful behavior. No doubt ma and the girls will be getting a play by play first chance they get. Gossiping fucks.

  Unlocking the door I walked ahead of Ari as the boys who were now joined by the two old gangsters waited in the living room.

  I walked into my walk in closet and touched the crease that hid the mechanism that opened my weapons slash safe room.

  I walked in so she would see I wasn't up to anything. Grabbing the new ultra thin bodysuit that's really a bulletproof vest in disguise, I passed it off to her.

  When she reached to take it I cuffed her left hand, pulled it behind her back, and attached it to her right.

  "You asshole jerk." She rammed her head back into my chest.

  "Oomph, stop it Mouth, you know you don't have any right being in on a hit, you know I can't do it, I can't take you into danger baby please...just stay here I'll make it quick."

  She turned her head away from me. "Mouth, Mouth look at me." I had to turn her head to me, she looked ready to kill, but she didn't say a word. I gave her a quick kiss not trying for anything longer since I needed my tongue for the duration of my existence on this earth and I was quite sure she'd do her damnedest to chew it off it I tried.

  "It's going to be okay." I brushed her hair back and kissed her forehead. She pulled away from me.

  Fuck me, and so it begins. The last thing I saw before closing the reinforced steel door was the look of betrayal in her eyes. Now I felt like shit.

  "Let's move, I'll give you guys the Intel on the way there." I talked as I walked.

  "Where's Ari?" Rossi looked behind me as though expecting to see her there.

  "Don't ask she's safe."

  "Oh shit son, you sure you wanna do this?"

  "Yes Alphonso, what do you suggest, should I take my wife on a hit, would you take yours?"

  "Well now, I don't have a wife and the one you're planning to marry isn't exactly the norm if you know what I mean. Arianna is........well, let's just say she's not going to take this lightly."

  "Tell me something I don't know, at least this way I don't have to worry about her little ass being hurt. Now are we going or do you have more marital advice to share?"

  "Come on Al, Flanagan's got it all figured out, don't say we didn't warn you boy, my little girl isn't known for her forgiving nature, shit like this could play out for months."

  "Yeah Roberto, remember her senior prom, that finocchio she wanted to go with.....?" They went out the door reminiscing about Mouth and her penchant for retaliation and holding a grudge.

  I gave one last look in the direction of my bedroom, my heart heavy. I know she felt betrayed but I'd rather have her pissed the fuck off than dead.

  She'd just have to get over it, and I'll just have to love her out of her funk. See no one before me had that weapon in their arsenal. I could use my charms on her, give her some good loving and all's forgiven. Yeah if she doesn't castrate my ass first. Ouch.

  I had to put that shit away for now; I had an asshole to burn.

  Chapter 7

  Prince of the City

  I'd decided, my turf, my woman, my hit.

  My guest will just have to take a back seat, it's not like I could move into their territory and make a hit. Besides I owed the Staccos, they'd been fucking with me for way too long.

  The son was still hiding somewhere but I had a bead on the father, one’s good enough for now. I had no doubt that if I hit the father the son would come out of hiding.

  Him I wanted to spend some time with, marry my girl indeed. The fuck, what he'd p
lanned amounted to rape. He was going to force my Ari, like fuck. I'm gonna enjoy fucking him up.

  "Carmine Stacco is holed up in a cabin in the forest two hours outside of town, no word yet on where his spawn is but I'm sure when news of his father's demise reaches him we'll flush him out."

  I imparted that info while we rode down in the elevator, everyone had their game face on now; everything else was forgotten as my detail fell in behind me when we reached the ground floor.

  My guards didn't seem surprised to see the two new additions and I understood when Tommy showed his face.

  I gave him a look that said I didn't appreciate the bullshit even if he was there to protect me, I should've been told from the get what the fuck was going on. He fell in with the others as we headed to the garage. I'll deal with that shit later; right now I was fighting to keep my mind off the she devil I'd just locked in a safe room. My balls curled up at the mere thought of what hell she was gonna unleash on my ass.

  I put all thoughts other than what I was about to face out of my head, you never went into a situation without a clear head.

  There wasn't much to it anyhow, they already knew what they needed to know about the set up, what Stacco and his counterpart had had planned, after this I would have to sit down with them and get names and shit because there's no way they thought they could bring us down without inside help, which meant most likely that someone in my organization was a sellout. Another dead mother fucker.

  No one said much of anything in the car, this was serious business, we were about to end a man, that shit was not to be taken lightly, the only thing I killed without mercy was a roach.

  The cabin was hidden in the dense woods, there was very little light inside or out, and my Intel had three men here with him on guard.

  Mikey and Tony got down to business using heat seeking equipment to find the bodies.

  We had parked away from the place and walked in on a spread out. I only had Tony, Mikey and the Rossis with me, my other boys were back up and lookouts, I didn't need a whole platoon to take out one old man and three guards, usually for a hit like this it would just be the three of us but these two wanted in, I was even tempted to let Rossi take him and save mine for the son, but this fuck had caused me to trap my girl in a room and I know she was gonna be pissed as fuck, so I should at least get to kick his ass.

  So much for putting that shit away, even here she was never far from my mind.

  There were three bodies spread out in one room in the cabin and a solo form lying prone on a bed in one of the bedrooms.

  The blueprints had shown that there were four bedrooms, Stacco was in the third from the front, there was a window there which had been discretely left unlatched for us, we could go in, do him, and walk away, the guards would never know, but if we wanted to fuck him over first we'd need to off them first.

  "You want him?"

  "Fuck yeah boy."

  "Window." I stepped back, my sign that he should take the lead.

  "You leaving the guards?"

  "They didn't do anything to me; they're just doing their jobs that are not how I roll."

  Rossi turned and looked at Alphonso, then he smiled slowly, nodded, and walked ahead.

  I spent ten seconds wondering what that whole exchange was about before putting my head on straight and following him.

  Tony, Mikey, and I stood watch keeping an eye on the bodies in the living room watching TV while the two old mobsters went around the other side. We could watch them as well so if anything went awry we could step in.

  We saw them pull the window up and had a tense moment when the body on the bed moved. Okay, he was just turning over.

  Rossi stood over him with a hand over his mouth and a gun to his temple, I wish I could hear what he was saying to the other man, maybe I'll ask him later.

  We saw the recoil from the gun, the head drop back to the bed and the two men leaving out through the window. The guards never moved from their places. Silencers were the shit.

  Chapter 8

  Back in the car the tension was gone, everyone seemed relaxed, and of course the conversation turned to my upcoming demise. I wish these gossiping fucks would leave me alone, not only did I have my two sisters in law to deal with, but now I had her father and her uncle adding in their two cents worth.

  "Boy I'm telling you, my little girl can hold a mean grudge and she's got a mean streak a mile wide, you tell him Al."

  "Yep, we've got the scars to prove it, remember that time she hid all the keys in the house and fucked up the phones so we couldn't call out?"

  "Shit, I thought we were under attack or some shit." »

  Tony and his side kick were eating it up, I was just sitting there keeping my cool, she'll be fine.

  "Why did she do that?" Mikey was leaning over the back seat like a four year old at story time.

  "We missed her school play." They laughed and shook their heads.

  "What, that's it?"

  "Yeah, it was like the second one in a row, plus some other things we missed in between."

  "So how did you figure it out?"

  "Her maid found the fucking contraband hidden in her closet, she'd gone around the house to all our hiding places and confiscated everything, she took all the keys and SIM cards and called the phone company, and had our calls forwarded to some throw away phone she bought."

  "Why didn't you just use her phone to call out for help?"

  "Said hers wasn't working either, I swear we thought we were under attack from some high tech faction." Alphonso was laughing his ass off.

  "Two whole fucking days, my place isn't exactly within walking distance of my offices and shit and we didn't know where the fuck the threat was coming from so we hunkered down and went into protection mode, the little terror even played up the fear card all along too. Made me feel like shit because she couldn't go to some friend's party or some shit, while the whole time she had set the whole thing up."

  "What did you do when the maid found the stuff?"

  "We sat her down and tried to reason with her, what else can you do with a ten year old that can pull some shit like that off?” Rossi answered Tony.

  "That's when Roberto and I first really realized what we had on our hands."

  "Yep, and she's kept us on our toes ever since then, so boy I'm telling you, you're gonna pay for that stunt, watch your ass, I would at some point like to rock my grandchildren on my knees if you know what I'm saying."

  I couldn't believe the leader of the mob world was sitting in my car gossiping about his daughter like a doting old woman after hitting a man that was out to kill him. I live in a fucked up world?

  I listened to the four of them going on and on about what she might do to me, Tony and Mikey seemed to be having way too much fun thinking up ways that she could torture me, I wouldn't put it pass these two to help her out in any way with whatever she came up with, traitorous bastards.

  "Mikey, how bout I tell Sophie how you were ogling Monica's ass."

  "What...are you crazy, when did I do that, you trying to get my ass killed?"

  I smirked at him before turning to the other one.

  "If you and Lucy Ricardo over here put any ideas in Mouth's head I'm gonna be sharing a lot of shit with my sisters."

  "My Anna would never believe that shit." Tony was all puffed up.

  "She'd believe me if I tell her that you missed her birthday party so you could go watch the fight in Vegas."

  "Bro you had that meet set up long before we realized that she was gonna throw the party on that particular Saturday, we couldn't pull out, that's what you said."

  I polished my nails on my shirt as I grinned at him.

  "That's cold bro, even for you, okay we won't put any ideas in her head, besides I don't think she needs our help." He was back to grinning like an ass, maybe I'll set them up anyway just for the fuck of it all, that'll keep them the fuck out of my business.

  We pulled into the underground garage and I felt my heart rat
e pick up, what the fuck was I gonna find up there, knowing Mouth it would be snarky and insulting but beyond that I didn't think she would do anything harmful, like shoot me in the ass, besides she'd told me she loved my ass one of the times I'd been buried inside her.

  That's right, I remembered my earlier counsel, no one had ever been inside her, and I had, so therefore she wouldn't treat me to the same horrors as everyone else.

  The ride up was tense, the four henchmen were back to giving me looks, what the fuck ever. I think some of my confidence slipped when I turned the key in the door though.

  Chapter 9

  What the fuck?

  " the"

  What the fuck was going on around here? I walked through the door gearing up my nuts for the shit storm that was about to come, only to find that I'd been thwarted again.

  "Seriously, are you fucking kidding me?"

  "Shane Patrick Flanagan you watch your mouth."

  My mother scolded me as she put what looked like a bowl of mashed potatoes on the table, my focus was on Mouth who had yet to say a word or even acknowledge my presence.

  My two sisters came from the kitchen with more food in their hands while I looked around like I was in the twilight zone.

  "How did you get out?"

  "She called me."

  "She called you, how did she do that?"

  "Well actually she texted me and told me what you had done, shame on you, I thought I raised my son to treat a lady better than that."


  "Don't you ma me, you're lucky I don't let her dismember you as she's been threatening to do for the last three hours."

  What the fuck, when the fuck had I lost control of my life and everything in it?

  Yeah I could answer that one real easy, it happened the day I let a little spitfire into my office.


  She spooned something in her mouth and looked right through me, the fuck? So that was her game, okay that wasn't so bad, the silent treatment, cool, I could deal with that.