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The Soldier's Lady Page 3
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Page 3
He held my hand while we talked and every so often he’d touch my cheek like he couldn’t help himself. I was finally able to see the color of his amazing eyes. Cerulean, that’s the color that came to mind though they were so much more. They’re a mix of blues and greens that seemed to change with his moods. No wonder he wears shades inside I don’t think the public is ready for a steady dose of those orbs.
“I wish you hadn’t driven yourself here. I don’t want the night to end I need more time with you but I don’t want you driving too late so I need to get you home. I’ll follow you but won’t come in because if I do baby, you won’t get that time you need.”
Damn does he have to be this sweet? I don’t think I’ve ever blushed this much in my life. I wish I were brave enough to say the hell with it and invite him home and into my bed. But I needed that time, maybe after a few more weeks in the gym.
“I’m sorry I…”
“Shh, no need for apologies baby, take all the time you need to; I’m a big boy I can handle it.” I smiled at him because he was just too amazing. I know I will take this night out and replay it over and over in my mind for the next few days.
Chapter 5
We’ve been out every night that he had the time in the following weeks. I was still meeting him wherever we decided to go but I’m almost ready for the next step. Where he comes to my door and pick me up. We still haven’t kissed yet which I find strange. I want to, I really really want to, but Caleb says not yet. He seems to think that he won’t be able to stop at just the one kiss. And the things he says to me. My face gets hot just thinking about it. Sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s actually talking to me. Though we haven’t kissed not even once, he does like to nibble on me. My neck, my ears and my shoulders especially seem to get lots of attention. I beg him with my eyes to kiss my lips but he just smirks and shakes his head.
I love the way he whispers in my ear when we’re in a room full of people. The way he keeps his attention on me and me alone no matter who’s around. A lot of the places we go to are frequented by other soldiers since the base is so close so every once in a while we might run into someone he knows. The first time he introduced me as his girl I thought I would split my face my smile was so wide. Even more astounding was the fact that the person didn’t fall out laughing.
Last night we were at a bar and I got up to go to the lady’s room. I don’t think he knew I could see him in the mirror on the wall. But I saw the way he watched me as I walked away. And when he bit his lip while his eyes were glued to my ass I almost stumbled.
He makes my heart race and butterflies take flight in my tummy. When the phone rings I become a giddy teen, something I was never allowed to be. We’ve doubled with Jen and Spanky a couple times but tonight I’m doing something new. I want to show him off. It’s childish I know but I can’t help it. I feel like a whole new person with him and even though the gym isn’t going the way I expected I wasn’t going to give up. That was the only dark cloud on my horizon, trying to lose weight so I would be comfortable with him seeing me naked. He said he would give me time but how long will that last? Don’t think about it Melissa just try harder that’s all.
I haven’t been with my girls Natalie and Francine in weeks since I’ve been spending every free moment with Caleb. Now they insist on knowing who’s this man that’s keeping me away and making me act so ditzy as they put it. I think they think he’s a figment of my imagination. If it weren’t happening to me I probably would think that way too.
Nat and Fran aren’t like Jen, though we’ve all known each other since high school and we’re close in our way. Jen is the one person in my life other than gran who ever accepted me as I am. Except now there was Caleb who didn’t seem to want me to change a thing. But will that last? How about when he sees me naked for the first time? Or when he introduces me to his family? Will I be an embarrassment? I won’t think about that now, I don’t want anything to spoil the night to come.
I was really nervous about asking him to come to the club but he said it wasn’t a problem at all. He didn’t care about meeting my friends as long as he got to see me. Of course I had that fear of him finding one of them more appealing. They were both beautiful and thin, both things I’ve never been. Though Caleb has been making feel like I am.
I wondered if they knew I could hear them. I was two minutes away from fucking somebody's shit up but I'm a gentleman, or at least that's what my peers think. But this was some fucked up shit. I hated the fact that she was going to come back from the restroom and smile at these deceitful fucks thinking that they were her friends. There was only one thing to do as far as I was concerned.
She’d been so excited when she invited me here tonight to meet her friends. Some of the guys were here since Spanks and his wife usually hung with the guys from the base. So while the girls hung out at their table in between taking to the dance floor the guys had set up at the bar. It was girls night, we were just here for ballast and to make sure they didn’t get into trouble.
She’d made the introductions and I’d sensed trouble from the gate. The way they eyed me up and down right in front of her made my skin crawl. My baby didn’t seem to notice what they were doing or knowing her she expected and accepted it.
I wasn’t paying attention to the guys as they drank and lied to each other about their prowess. My ears had been pricked to the conversation going on at the table right below the bar. As soon as she excused herself to go to the restroom with Jen and gave me that cute little wave they’d started.
I’m sure they thought their words were hidden because of the loudness of the crowd. But when there was a change in sets from the band I’d heard them loud and clear. And what I heard made me want to slap the shit out of both of them. Yes I would smack the shit out of a female for fucking with my girl. I’m an equal opportunity motherfucker. If you’re dumb enough to fuck with me and mine you should be prepared to face the consequences. I might draw the line at a kid though; then again if the little fuck was obnoxious enough he might catch a boot to the ass.
I played it cool though and didn’t even let on that I’d heard a word, with my head turned straight ahead. I won’t say anything to her tonight, won’t spoil her fun, but you better believe at some point I’m going to make sure she sees these two for what they really are. No one is gonna make a fool of her again. Not as long as I’m in the picture and I plan to be in that shit for a long fucking time.
It hurts to think that she’s probably put up with this shit all her life. They’ve been friends since they were thirteen so a good ten years or so. Ten years of that shit because I’m sure that they hadn’t waited until tonight to show their true colors. I wonder how many of her relationships they’d sabotaged? Or what else in her life they’d told her she wasn’t good enough for?
When I saw her making her way back to the table, her sexy as fuck curves moving just right in her flirty dress that showed off just the tops of her girls and fell to just above her knees I made my move. I knew I was about to surprise the fuck out of her since we weren't anywhere close to being intimate in our relationship yet. Not by my doing mind you, but my girl have some fucked up ideas about me seeing her naked and splitting. I heard this through the grapevine so I've set myself the task of showing her the error of her ways.
I met her halfway making sure that the two twats I'd just overheard talking shit could see us. As soon as she opened her mouth to ask me what was up I moved in for the kill.
Fuck, I knew her lips were going to taste like fucking strawberries. I've been inhaling that shit for damn near a month now. She kissed like she'd taken lessons in the shit. What had started as a lesson in humility for her two non-friends had fast turned into an eye opener for me. I pulled back and rested my lips against her ear so she could hear me.
"Babe, you see that little issue you have with me seeing you bare? How soon you think you might get over that shit?"
"Huh?" She was still a
little dazed from our kiss, good. Maybe if I kept her that way she'd get over this shit before my nuts changed color.
I pressed my misbehaving cock against her thigh right there in the middle of the fucking club; thank heaven for special lighting.
"I think it's pretty clear that he wants in and he's not gonna wait much longer so get your shit straight soon yeah!" I turned and looked in the direction of the two I was sure were glued to the action and with a glare wrapped my arm around my girl and headed for a dark corner. I wanted more of those lips, hopefully I can control myself but in my head I’m giving her just a few more weeks.
My girl is old fashioned. She needs there to be a respectable amount of time between us meeting and fucking. I respect that even if I’m about to go cross eyed from waiting to get inside what I already know is going to be the sweetest pussy this boy has ever had. Shit time to change my thoughts, my boy is already hard as fuck no point in torturing him any more than necessary. Sweet Melissa was in for the fucking ride of her life when I finally get her in my bed. Weeks of waiting were giving me a fuck load of ideas of what I wanted to do to her delectable body.
I held her close the rest of the night just rocking back and forth with her head on my chest when I didn’t have my tongue halfway down her throat.
“You kiss like a dream baby, I think I’ll make your mouth sore from now on until you let me in the pussy.” She blushed of course and hid her face in my chest. With my arms wrapped tightly around her I felt at peace, like the race was over and I’d won so I could take a deep breath now. Whatever I’d been searching for I’d found. “Sweet Melissa.”
That night when I walked her to her door I had only one thing to say to her ass. “Soon Melissa.” I guess I was going back on my word. I wasn’t willing to give her much more time. I couldn’t, she might need time to get there but I already was. This girl is my it. There was one thing I hadn’t shared with her though in all our hours of talking. When she finally lets me in that first time; I’m going to own her ass from that day forward.
Chapter 6
Oh boy, I don’t think Caleb’s gonna give me much more time. I’m ready but I’m scared. What if he changes afterwards? Right now he’s the most perfect man; he opens doors, pulls out my seat and holds my hand. What’s going to happen after he sees me? What if he’s disappointed in me? There’s no way I can live up to the picture he has of me in his head.
He tells me I’m beautiful and I believe it when he says it with that look in his eyes. But what will happen when the lights are on and I’m standing there bare in front of him for the first time? Jen says all women have that fear the first time with a guy. But Jen’s a size six I’m sure she’s never felt this way a day in her life.
I thought I had bought all the time I needed. I guess I got too comfortable with the way things were. He was patient and understanding and oh so kind. Since that first night he’d kissed me we’ve done very little else. The others when they could stand to be around us were always groaning about our public displays.
And when he nuzzled my neck at the movies or did that thing he does when he wants my mouth. I’m not the fat girl anymore. I’m the beautiful girl he keeps whispering to me that I am. I want so badly to believe, to let myself go. But always something holds me back. And though I think I’m beginning to see the need in his eyes, always he reassures me that he won’t rush me.
That’s until our last date that is. We’d gone dancing again because I love it; this was the first time I actually had someone other than Jen who really wanted to go with me. And when he walked over to the DJ booth and whispered in his ear one minute before Shine Bright Like A Diamond began to play I could’ve cried. And then he held his hand out for me to dance with him and our friends started yelling the place down I did.
Now Caleb doesn’t dance, he’d much rather stand on the side and watch me have a good time. When we do dance he’s usually holding me close and swaying from side to side. That night he didn’t just sway but with his lips pressed close to my ear he sang the words to me while I bawled in his chest like a newborn babe.
I was feeling no pain after that and my spirits were lifted. I felt like the most desirable woman in the world. So when the song ended and he led me off the dance floor I was riding on a high. When we reached the table he pulled out his chair with my hand still held fast in his and motioned for me to sit on his lap.
"Caleb I can't sit on your lap." He was back to giving me the 'are you fucking crazy’ glare. He always does that when he thinks I'm being stupid but seriously...
"And why is that?"
"Well..." I pointed to my obvious girth and back to his thinner thighs. He didn't say anything for a good minute. Just looked at me through those damn Ray Bans that just added to the appeal. I started squirming just a little the longer he stared. He has that effect on me.
"What?" I used my Marilyn Monroe sex kitten voice as he likes to call it; he gets a kick out of that for some reason.
"How about I make you a deal; each time you make a derogatory remark about yourself I get to turn you over my knee and spank that ass?"
"And this is punishment how?" Oops, didn't mean to say that out loud. By the way he lowered his head so he could look at me over his shades. And then the slow easy smile that spread across his gorgeous face I knew I was in trouble.
"Well now..."
And that is how I know I’m in trouble and my time just might have run out. He’d peppered me with questions after that. The thing about Caleb is that he doesn’t allow me to hide from myself. He likes to draw me out. If only he knew. There was a little bit of the freak in me. But I don’t think I could ever do half the things I imagined doing with him, not in a million years. My palms sweat just thinking about it, but it was good to daydream.
The phone rang at the shop and I picked it up a bit distracted. Tonight was date night and I was equal parts terrified and excited. What if he made good on what he’d whispered in my ear while I sat in his lap that night? “I’m gonna fuck you so good baby, just wait and see.” I think I came then and there, I think he knew it too.
“Flower Petals.”
“Babe tonight we’re doing things a little different. I’m coming to get you, no more of this meeting up shit.” It’s now almost two months since we met and in that time I’ve become rabid. I needed to fuck so bad even my men were starting to steer clear. They accused me of being even harder on them than usual. If something didn’t happen soon I’m gonna lose my fucking mind. On our last date she’d let something slip that had turned up the heat even more.
We’d gone dancing because my baby loves to dance her ass off. This time I’d met some more of her friends who thankfully seemed more genuine than the last two. There was no sitting at the bar this time since these two had their own dates so we all sat together. Jen was being her usual self and keeping us all in stitches with the way she ran rings around poor Spanks, served his horny ass right. That’s right I have a grievance with anyone who’s getting some on the regular while my woman has me in a drought.
Anyway she’d come back from the dance floor all flushed and sweet and I just wanted her close so I told her to sit on my lap. That’s when she sealed her fate but good.
After telling her how it was going to be I hung up the phone. No way was I gonna let her talk her way out of this one. I had a feeling if I didn’t step things up she’d leave them where they are for as long as she can draw this shit out. I understood her concerns, assholes both male and female have convinced her her whole life that she wasn’t the beautiful girl that she is.
I’m not the type to beat a dead horse so instead of repeatedly telling her that she is indeed extremely gorgeous just as she is, I’ve decided to show her. I’ve been snapping pictures of her on all our dates, some she doesn’t even know about. I had them blown up and framed as part of my campaign. She has no idea what’s about to hit her. I know after we pass that first hurdle things will be perfect, I plan to make
it so. I just have to knock down that wall she has erected around herself.
Tonight might not be the night but I plan to do everything in my power to get there sooner than later. My dick was in revolt mode, the impatient fuck. He didn’t give a shit about all the bullshit he just wanted in. It’s gotten to where just the sound of her voice has him standing at attention. I know she can feel me when we’re dancing close. And I’m pretty sure my hot as fuck baby had a mini O while sitting on my lap that last night we were together. Either she really had hang ups about her body or she’s the world’s biggest tease. It’s hard for me to accept that someone who looks like her and has such intelligence could really buy that bullshit that she needed to be a size two to be beautiful. Women are fucked in the head.
Whatever the case maybe I’m about to blast down those fucking walls. I won’t give her an ultimatum but I have to out maneuver her. Never had to do that shit before either. I wonder how ironic she’d find it that she was the only woman to ever make me work for it. With anyone else I would’ve moved the fuck on already but my girl was worth it. She’s only twenty-four, still a baby in more ways than one so I’ve been taking it easy on her but no more. Some day soon in the not too distant future I’m going to show the little beauty just what she and her badass curves do to me.
True to my word I was at her door at the designated hour. I didn’t tell her we were taking my bike. She’d never been on one before but I preferred my bike to the truck. And since I wanted her with me as much as possible from now on I wanted her to get used to it.
She opened the door and it took all my self-control not to push her back into the condo and take her. I hadn’t seen her in tight jeans before and what she did for those shits, have mercy. For the first time my sole concentration was centered on her tits, which are a thing of art. She had on painted on jeans and a tight top that showed off her tits in all their glory. My dick started doing his gymnastics at first sight and for some reason I got pissed the fuck off.