Rebound: Passion Book 2 Read online

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  “What the fuck, I’m not hurting you cut that shit out.”

  Her body shook in my hands and I released her quickly like I’d touched a live wire. We just stood there, me staring down at her until she came out of whatever that was that she’d gone into; this chick had serious problems.

  “Can I go now?”


  She looked at me as though she was deathly afraid of me, and it made me feel off, like something was way wrong. I’d just watched her hug the old man so it couldn’t be that she had an aversion to the male of the species, so what? Was it me that she disliked? I wouldn’t be surprised after the way I’d treated her at our one and only meeting. No, this was about more than disliking me. I didn’t like where my mind was taking me, and again I asked myself; why the fuck should I care?

  “What were you doing with him?” What the fuck Matt?

  “He’s my dad.” It had taken her a moment to answer me but her words did something strange to me. That feeling I’d had that made me want to punish her for some unknown reason was suddenly gone at her softly spoken admission. I felt settled inside again except for the prickly skin and what I was beginning to think were heart palpitations. But there was still the question of her strange behavior.

  “Why did you freeze up on me?”

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She fidgeted and shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Don’t lie to me it pisses me off, now why did you just go into a damn near catatonic state when I put my hands on you?”

  “It’s none of your business; look don’t you have someone else to annoy? I have no interest in anything you have to say.”

  “Too bad because we’re not leaving this spot until you tell me, unless you want me to go ask your dad, we’re pretty cool him and I.”

  “No don’t.” She actually grabbed my hand until she realized what she’d done and dropped it like a hot potato.

  “Well then talk.” I folded my arms and glared down at her. In the back of my mind I could hear myself telling me to calm the fuck down and back off but somehow I couldn’t.

  “Why do you even care, I thought you didn’t like me?” At least she had some fire in her and wasn’t acting like a scared rabbit anymore. I almost smiled at the thought as she glared back at me with her hands on her hips looking ready for battle.

  “Who said I didn’t like you?”

  “Well you sure acted like it the other day when you were with your friends.”

  “Listen forget that ever happened okay I was having an off day; now tell me what’s wrong with you.”

  She took a deep breath and somehow I knew she was about to lie to me before she even opened her mouth.

  “You just startled me okay that’s all, now can I go? I really have to be somewhere.” She looked everywhere but at me.

  I chose to drop it for now, besides we didn’t even know each other that well and I had no right to be acting like a caveman just because I’d seen her with another guy. I’m really going to have to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is wrong with me. I hope to fuck it’s not what I think it is. I’ve already made up my mind never to wade into those shark-infested waters ever again. Not anytime soon anyway and especially not with her. I finally answered her plea to go her way even though I wanted to stand there until I got some answers.

  “Sure okay see you around.” I watched her walk away until she disappeared around the corner. Something told me to watch her until she was out of sight and I was a little surprised when she turned into Dr. Graves’ office. What the hell was she going there for? Huh, maybe she had to drop something off from the diner, but I don’t recall seeing any sacks of food in her hand. I got that gnawing feeling in my gut. The one that always warned me when something was wrong. “You don’t need this shit Matt, whatever is going on with this chick you need to walk away.” I told myself that but even as I walked back to my car I knew I wouldn’t. I hadn’t been able to fight the pull in the last few days no matter how much I’d tried. And at night when I went to bed her eyes still haunted me.

  I sat in the car like a sick stalker contemplating whether or not I should wait until she was through at the doc’s or just go home. Instinct told me something was very wrong, and for whatever reasons I couldn’t leave it alone. So now I had a decision to make. Did I really want to get involved, and if so to what extent? I closed my eyes and rested my head against the headrest. Trying to talk myself out of going out on that ledge hasn’t worked very well in the last day or so. I needed to talk to someone who could explain what the fuck was going on with me but there was no way I was ready to bring this up to Josh, he’d be all over this shit.

  I think I’m pretty sure of what he would say already, but life couldn’t be that strange. Besides I never felt any of these unsettling feelings with Patti and I could’ve sworn I was in love with her all those years we were together. It’s funny, but I now realize that for as much as she’d turned out to be a vicious snake, our relationship had been, shall we say, less passionate than say, Josh and Carrie’s. I always thought that that’s what I wanted. A nice quiet relationship with the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. I’d had enough of the spicy side of things between my parents and much later my brother and his girl. I’d somehow convinced myself that I’d dodged the bullet that seemed to turn the men in my family into raging lunatics.

  When I look at Kadyn I felt what I was beginning to fear were the first strains of that madness. Just a glimpse of her would have my heart doing cartwheels in my chest, my hands would literally itch to get on her, and my skin heats and does its strange tingling shit. “Shit Matt.” I turned the key in the ignition a little rougher than necessary once again pissed the fuck off without reason. I didn’t like the fact that she seemed to have this much control over me in such a short time, it was almost as if I had no say in the matter, as if it had already been decided for me and all that was left was for me to just lay down and roll over. Well fuck that, I’m not about to play the sap again. I don’t even know this girl and she seemed…I don’t know what the fuck.

  I headed back to the house deep in thought, something kept niggling at me about the way she’d reacted to my touch but I couldn’t quite put it into words. There was definitely something going on there though and before this thing went any farther I needed to get to the bottom of it. If she was going to disrupt the rest of my fucking life I’m going to need to know what the hell I was dealing with. I don’t need any more surprises I’d had enough of that shit to last a lifetime. Josh and Carrie were right I was acting like an old man, but who could blame me? The last time I’d given of myself I’d been fucked. That annoying voice in the back of my head reminded me that this was nothing like that. Even the way I felt about this complete stranger after just one meeting was stronger than anything I’d ever felt for Patti in the three years I’d known her. I’m not sure what that said about me, and my ability to choose when it came to the opposite sex. Only this didn’t feel like a case of me choosing, more like something else was doing it for me.

  Chapter 5


  “I think she’s been hurt.”

  “Who what?”

  I’d dropped down on the floor in my brother’s room as soon as I got in the house. Since him and his wife weren’t doing the horizontal mambo it was safe to come in. She was downstairs with mom and sis making cookies or some shit in the kitchen and Josh was reading on the computer. This was as rare as an ice storm in summer so I had to get in there while I could.

  “Kadyn, I think she’s been hurt.” And that shit was really beginning to bother me now that I was no longer where I could see her. All the way here it felt strangely like I was abandoning her somehow, like maybe I should’ve hung around until she was done and walked her back to the diner. There were so many confusing thoughts going through my head lately that I didn’t know which to choose. There was no reason for me to feel this strongly for a total stranger, this need to stand over her and protec

  “And you know this how?” He was still tinkering with his keyboard but I could tell that I had his attention.

  “I ran into her in town and she damn near freaked when I touched her.” Yeah Matt you ran into her, that sounds more innocent and less creepy. He turned to study me now and I avoided eye contact; nosy fuck sees too much.

  “Well bro the last time you saw her you damn near took her head off. Put that together with the fact that she’s about five three to your hulking mass of six four and that’s enough to put the fear of hell in her.”

  “Fuck off, I’m serious bro, I think something happened to her. I’ve never seen anyone react that way to a simple touch and then I see her go into Dr. Graves’ building.”

  “So, maybe she was making a food delivery or something, what’s it to you anyway?”

  “I don’t know something about her bothers me.”

  “Bothers you how?”

  Oh I had his full attention now, I could almost see the wheels turning in that brain of his.

  “Don’t start, I don’t know but…I saw her with old man Stanley and I wanted to slap the shit out of her.”

  “What the fuck was she doing with him?”

  “I thought it was some sort of lover’s embrace but she claims he’s her dad.”


  “And what? That’s it, she had to go somewhere so I told her I’ll see her around.”

  “You like this girl Matt?”

  “What? No, you saw me at the diner. I don’t know what it is there’s just something about her that drives me bat shit.”

  “Welcome to the club.” He grinned down at me and turned back to the computer.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ll see, so when are you seeing her again?”

  “Fuck if I know; feel like going to the diner for ice cream later?” Just the thought of seeing her again so soon had my heart jumping in my chest. What the fuck was that shit about?

  “Sure bro, welcome back.”

  “Don’t go getting any ideas, that happily ever after shit is not in the cards for me been there done that.”

  “Matt you’re eighteen not ninety get your head out your ass and join the living.”

  “Whatever, where the hell is she from? And how come we never knew old man Stan had a daughter that looked like that?”

  “Like what?”

  He thought he was so slick. “Never mind, I’ll be in my room call me when you’re ready.”

  Back in my room I kept picking at it in my head. I didn’t like the feeling in my gut, or the thoughts in my head. No one reacted that way unless…no don’t go there Matt; and the question still remains what is it to you?

  Dad cornered me in my room a few minutes later with Josh in tow. I rolled my eyes at my brother. He’d probably blabbed and now dad was going to ask me a million and one questions about my feelings. That’s the thing about our parents, they let us pretty much do our thing but when it came to serious shit they were all over it. I know I’d scared him and mom with my behavior of late. That on top of the way things had gone down when Josh wasn’t talking to Carrie and Nessa and I had pulled the family card and he’d ripped us new ones was probably too much.

  “I hear we’ve got the college situation squared away finally. I’m glad you got your head out your ass on your own son. Your mother and I were going to take care of it for you but it’s good you came to your senses on your own.”

  “It wasn’t me, it was your new daughter and your nosy ass son.” Josh gave me the finger and dropped down next to me snagging my ball in the air. I elbowed him on principal for siccing dad on my ass. “Whatever so long as it’s done; now as you know that’s your mother’s and my old alma mater. We know from our conversation with your brother and his wife that the three of you are going to be living together so your mother and I have been looking for a place up there for you.”

  “Dad that won’t be necessary, I’m still not sure about the living arrangements…”

  “Don’t pay him any attention dad, we’re rooming together. What did you and mom find? Carrie and I have been looking at condos and apartments but there doesn’t seem to be anything that fits our needs. Nothing close enough to campus anyway.”

  “In a situation like this it’s all about who you know son. We found you guys a nice little starter home right off campus. It has three and a half bedrooms so when your mom and I come to check up on you we can all stay together.” He smirked and rubbed my head. What the fuck?

  I felt my shoulders relax a little bit, at least he wasn’t here about Kadyn; I don’t think I’m ready for that conversation yet. Dad’s worst than Josh when he gets his teeth into something and I needed time to get things straight in my head first. I figured I’d relaxed too soon when he cleared his throat and eyeballed me. Shit.

  “So what’s going on with the girl at the diner?”

  I glared over at Josh who was pretending that he hadn’t heard what dad said.

  “Don’t look at him, your mom and I have been eavesdropping around the house. We pick up stuff.”

  “Damn dad you snooping?” what the hell? I come from a family of snoops.

  “It’s not snooping son, here lately you’ve been acting strange and we had no other way of getting to you. This was the only recourse left to us, so tell.”

  “Nothing’s going on, I don’t even know the girl.” My gut hurt when I said that and I wasn’t too jazzed about the way dad was looking at me.

  “Son we haven’t had a chance to really talk about what happened with Patricia.”

  “Dad…” I started to cut him off but should’ve known better. Seems like being lost inside my own head I’d lost touch with the way things ran in my family.

  “I know you’re not about to shush me boy, now listen. What happened happened. It was unfortunate in more ways than one but nobody blames you for any of it. You were always sure that she was the one but I knew different.”

  “What do you mean you knew?” I sat up straight for this one, this was the first I’d ever heard of this. “Why did you never say anything before then?”

  “Because you’re my son and it’s what you wanted at the time. Nothing wrong with a young man having a girlfriend, I just always knew she wasn’t your one. Now from what little I’ve gathered you seem to be on the road to the real thing and so you don’t make a muck of it the way your brother did…”

  “Hey.” Josh threw the ball at dad, which he snagged in the air.

  “Boy you were a maniac, let’s not pretend otherwise. Now Matthew I expect you to have a little more sense and handle this situation like a Steele. There’s no need to be afraid of this girl whoever she is. Let me ask you this first; how does she make you feel?”

  I looked at him and then at my brother who was suddenly very interested in the conversation. I felt like I was on the damn couch being analyzed. Who talked about their feelings and shit with their dad? He seemed to understand my discomfort because his next words went right to the heart of the matter.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, this is very important. If this girl is the one for you then you have to look at the situation through different eyes. First you have to put the whole Patti thing behind you, you need to move on. The sin was hers it was never yours; your life didn’t end because she turned out to be a…whatever she is. I won’t have any son of mine beating up on himself over something he had no control over. Be a Steele son we have of our own code, we don’t stay down for long and nothing beats us.”

  “Dad I don’t know what I feel okay; I just, I need time to get my thoughts together. I don’t even know if I want to get involved.”

  “The choice might not be yours son; fair enough, just know that if you need to talk your mother and I are always here. Now back to the school thing, we’re going to have to take a weekend soon and head up there and get things rolling. School will be starting before you know it.”

  “Summer just started old man take it easy. I
want to hear some more about Mattie’s woman troubles.”

  “Shut up you ass; okay thanks dad.” He turned and left the room leaving me and the nosy one alone. “What have you guys been saying around here to set him on my ass?”

  “Not me bro, must be the girls.”

  “Your wife is as bad as you are. Now mom’s gonna be on my ass about this shit next. Why are you so sure that I like this girl anyway?”

  “Been there done that bro. The way you reacted to her is a sure sign that she’s already got her hooks in you and you haven’t even really got to know her as yet. You want to do some sort of search on her?”

  “Not yet I’m still deciding whether or not I want to go there.”

  “Don’t think too long bro, like dad said the choice might not be yours. If she tears you up inside the way Lamb did me you’re fucked.”

  He left after imparting that sage advice, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  For two days her reaction plagued me. We never did go for ice cream that night because Carrie wasn’t feeling well and there was no way Josh was going to leave her side. The guy is like a fucking tyrant when it comes to his wife. Dad must’ve told him a thousand times that she was okay it was just a little set back from her illness, but the way he carried on you’d think she was given a death sentence.

  I kept driving into town for a glimpse of her and feeling lost when I didn’t get one. I went to bed at night thinking about her and woke up the same. She’s succeeded in getting my mind off my past fuck up, now my every thought was of her and what she was doing to me. Dad’s talk had helped a little in easing the lingering guilt and the feeling that I’d let my family down somehow. That still didn’t mean I was ready to run out and jump back on that horse again.