Eden High Series 2 Book 1 Read online

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  I keep getting as far as the alley and the sense of familiarity I had of the person who’d attacked me, and then nothing. If I try to force it my head hurts, so I pull back. But I know it’s gonna happen sooner or later.

  As for him going to see that thing in the hospital, whether she was involved or not I don’t want him gong to her for any reason. I have no idea what the hell he was thinking, and if he’d gone you better believe I’d be chatting with someone else this morning. He’d lost his damn mind.

  I know where he was coming from with his explanation, but uh-uh, hell no. If she really didn’t have any memory, then it was less than she deserved for being an evil twit.

  “You look better Sian, you’re not in any pain are you?”

  “Nah Tammy, the pills help a lot, but Jace has me doing these stretches that really work so I’m all good.”

  Valerie seemed a little uncomfortable as the odd one out, so I thought I’d put forth the extra effort to make her feel welcomed. I’d seen her around and we’d said hi, but I had no idea that her guy and Jace were such good pals. And the way Jace went on and out about Track, I figured she was going to be a part of our crew.

  It wasn’t hard finding something to talk about when I caught sight of her bag. “Is that the Himalayan Birkin?” I was starting to hyperventilate.

  “Yeah Track got it for my last birthday.”

  “You’re shitting me, no seriously?” I looked over to where the guys were in their usual male huddle. Who is this kid that he could drop over a hundred gran on a bag for his girl?

  This place is just too beyond. My boyfriend drives a car that cost half a mil, and his friends buy luxury bags, I’m so out of my depth.

  Of course the conversation turned to fashion and I knew that I was going to like Val for herself and not just because she was Track’s, when she complimented Belle.

  Belle preened like a peacock and before you know it we were making plans to go to Val’s over the weekend for a make-up session.

  I found it strange that no one was talking about Mandy, but I wasn’t about to be the one to bring it up. I did notice that some of the other kids were getting closer though with her gone.

  Instead of just a hello they were lingering long enough to ask how I was doing. Jace had me in his crosshairs like he was expecting an attack of some sort, and by the time he walked me to class before first bell he was sweating.

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea. Why the fuck did I bring you here? What kind of asshole…?”

  “Jace calm down, it’s high school not a walk to the guillotine.” I rolled my eyes with my head turned so he couldn’t see. He gets kinda touchy about my eye rolls sometimes.

  “Don’t roll your damn eyes at me woman this is serious. Come, I’m taking you to class with me.” I was laughing too hard to stop him from dragging me away from my classroom door, but I had enough strength to dig my foot in.

  “I can’t go to your class nut.”

  “I don’t know, it’s too soon; isn’t it too soon? You have your pills in case you have pain later?” I patted the pocket of my bag where the drugs were resting.

  I was lucky that most of the wounds were superficial and the one that had done the most damage was in a place that could’ve gone either way, but had missed its mark.

  When he drew me into his chest and kissed my forehead it didn’t even matter if it were too soon or not, nothing else matters when he gets like this, because I know he’ll never let anything happen to me.

  I lifted onto my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck so he could kiss me. I all but melted into him as his big strong arms came around me. My forever. As long as I had this to look forward to for the rest of my life, I’m straight.


  I didn’t know it was going to be this hard taking her back to school the first day. There was a combination of shit going on in my head. First, I didn’t know who, or if, one of these fuckers had been the one to attack her on Mandy’s command, and two, I didn’t want her out of my fucking sight, ever.

  I hoofed it to her class after each of mine to walk her to the next no matter that she had her girls, and now Val, at her back.

  Track was acting strange as fuck but what’s new? I was too focused on her to pay too much attention to his crazy, besides he’d tell me whatever the fuck was bothering him when he was good and ready.

  Lunch came and I was finally able to breathe. I think I had PTSD or some shit, because I freaked whenever anyone got too near her, like what the fuck?

  “Jace, some shit’s about to go down….” I’d barely lifted my head at Track’s weird statement when I saw the two cops that were working her case walk in.

  I held her hand tighter, not sure why the fuck they were here, but the joke was on me. “Jace Saunders, we need you to come with us please.” What the fuck?

  Track stood and pulled his phone as he walked away, his shoulders tense with anger. Sian actually stood between me and them, until I lifted her little ass out of the way and passed her to her brother. “Watch her. Babe, I’m cool stop stressing. Where we doing this?”

  “The principal’s office for now.” I didn’t like the smirk on this one’s face but whatever. They didn’t beat around the bush once we got there. “Where were you the night the Mandy girl was attacked?”

  “I’m thinking home why?” There was a loud noise as the door slammed into the wall. Shit how did he get here so fast? I thought he was on the Hill today. I saw Sian wringing her hands behind him with pure fear on her face and got up to go to her.

  “We’re not through talking to you boy.” The door closed again and my gut hurt, if I didn’t want to know what they knew I would’ve walked.

  “Jace you okay?”

  “Yeah dad.” I know I’m not getting shit out of these two today if the look on my dad’s face was anything to go by.

  “What did they ask you?” he was loud enough for the cops to hear.

  “Sir you can’t interfere with an investigation.” They were talking to the wind.

  “Where I was the night Mandy was attacked.” Dad turned to them with an almost snarl on his face.

  “He was with me.” This was true, but they better not ask where.

  “Sir, no disrespect, but I’m sure you’d say anything to protect your son.” Oh shit, this one must not like his job. Dad is one of those ‘don’t question me about shit’ types.

  “Fucking right I would and I’m man enough to say it. Yes I would do anything to protect my son, as any man should. But I’m coming from a place of surety. I would protect him because I know what I raised. I know then that the only way my son would do something like this is if he had no other choice. Do you have any evidence linking him to this crime?”

  “We don’t necessarily but…”

  “Then you have no call being here. I will ask that you leave and don’t return until my lawyers are present. You can be sure that my son won’t be coming down to your station anytime soon.”

  “Can you deny that you had a conversation with the deceased on the night she was almost killed, not long before the time of the attack?”

  “Shit I forgot about that call. Yes she called me, she wanted to talk that was it.”

  “Why the fuck are you still talking to him?” Dad placed himself between them and I, basically cutting their view off.

  “Sir this is a police investigation. We know that your son had been involved with the victim and that there was some tension between them here of late.”

  “Hold it, let’s go son.”

  “Sir we…”

  “You might not want to say anything to me right now detective, because you’ve already crossed so many fucking lines that I’m gonna own your ass by end of day. My son is a minor you have no right speaking to him without me, or his mother present. Secondly, what’s the charge?”

  “There’s no charge we just had a couple questions, which, if your son doesn’t have anything to hide he wouldn’t mind answering.”

u really think I’d fall for that grade school trick you prick? You used your authority to manhandle my son, and it’s because I taught him to respect the law that you got him this far, because I also taught him to take down assholes, of which you are a premier kind. “

  “Sir we’re just doing our jobs.”

  “Yeah and I’m doing mine. You have no probable cause you have nothing, stay the fuck away from him.”

  “We know that his latest girlfriend was attacked not too long ago, and now his ex turns up near death.”

  “And, what does that mean? Your wife has a habit of falling and hurting herself, should I suspect you of helping her along?”

  “How did you…?”

  “Know about your wife? You’re working my future daughter in law’s case, my son is very much invested, did you think I wouldn’t check you out?”

  “You can’t use your money and influence around here, this isn’t one of those movies you make up on the hill.”

  “You have a grievance with my wealth? Suck my dick don’t fuck with my kid. Come on Jace.”

  I turned to leave feeling almost sorry for the detective, except for the fact that he’d been such a dick.

  “And you.” Dad pointed at the principal. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

  “Sir- Mr.-sir…”

  “Can it, you’re done.”

  “Dad it wasn’t that bad.” I figured I better say something before he had the place shut down.

  “That’s not the point son. Never let anyone infringe on your rights, not ever. That prick has a hard on for us because we’ve got money and he don’t.

  He can take potshots at me all day if he’d like, but you my boy are out of the game. He fuck with you, I’ll bury him; and yes I’d use my fucking money and influence to do it. Where’s our girl?”

  “As if you didn’t know, she called you didn’t she?”

  “She did the right thing; plus she’s majorly pissed.

  “I wanted to talk to them she needn’t have called you.”

  “For fuck sake why?”

  “Because dad they’re not saying anything, nobody’s talking and I need to know what’s going on. I still think she had something to do with the attack on Sian, now she’s been attacked, what if it’s connected? Does that mean that Sian’s still in danger?”

  “I see your point son but you’re forgetting, we have men on it now and I can assure you, they get the job done. You don’t need to play the suspect, to put yourself under that prick’s microscope to get answers.”

  “Yeah, but it might’ve been quicker. Come ‘ere you.” She was standing on the wall looking like she was about to keel over.

  “Didn’t I tell you I was okay?” She broke down in fucking tears and held onto me like she thought I was gonna disappear.

  Chapter 8


  This hospital thing is a fucking pain. I need answers like now, but no one is saying anything, because no one knew shit. I heard them talking when they thought I was asleep. Jace had refused to come see me, how dare he?

  How could he despise me so much after everything we’d meant to each other? And how embarrassing! Luckily I know who’s behind it though, so my ire is directed at the right person.

  It was a chore to keep the anger hidden, but I was able to pull it off for the last few days. My mind is full of scenarios of the many things I can do with this. It was hard not to smirk at the idea sometimes, as my blood heated up with all the implications.

  My wounds were beginning to ache. That was the only thing that truly scared me about this whole mess. I have no recollection of being shot or stabbed, weird. I checked my nails and wondered where everyone was.

  So far only two people had come to see me and I knew I had more friends than that. Didn’t I? Whatever, I wanted out of here now. I needed to work on getting Jace back and now was the best time to work it.

  Instead of the drag that this latest fiasco could be, it was shaping up to be a good thing. Not many people might see it that way, laid up in the hospital hooked up to tubes, and possibly a mad man on the loose trying to kill you. But I’m not most people. Thank heavens. I see the opportunity in everything.

  I thought for sure my little game would’ve worked; I mean we were once something to each other and I refuse to accept or believe that it was over.

  Of course he didn’t come see me. The stupid cops were accusing him of what happened to me. They were probably the ones who blocked him from coming, idiots. Jace would never do something like that.

  I didn’t think on it too long because I was stuck here for the next little while and I planned to use that to my advantage. It wouldn’t help to get upset and give myself away too soon.

  I heard voices outside my door, so laid back and closed my eyes. I find that pretending to be asleep and incognizant usually made people’s lips loose. People are so stupid, just add a few wounds or a weakness of some kind and they totally forget who you were before. That works for me though so I won’t complain.

  It sounded like mom and one of the nurses heading my way. I slitted my eyes just the barest fraction, as I tried to keep my breathing even. It was hard lying there like a stump when I really wanted to throw a tantrum, but that wouldn’t help my cause, not yet at least.

  The parental unit was feeling all kinds of guilt for what had happened, especially since little innocent me had been attacked in my own bed in the middle of the night, by a crazed stranger.

  With the recent attack on that idiot, everyone was scratching their heads trying to connect the dots. I couldn’t have scripted it better myself. I had a few ideas as to who the culprit was, but thinking about that gave me a headache; they were too many candidates.

  Now the average teen would be afraid, but I saw a golden opportunity. All I had to do was start pointing fingers, and people would be falling all over themselves to please me. My heart raced and I had to fight to keep my inner joy from showing. This was going to be so much fun, all I had to do was get Jace to fall in line, and that with my expected windfall would be the latest feather in my cap.

  “Has there been any change?” Mom was all red faced and puffy eyed. Strange, but I don’t recall seeing this much care since I was about two. Maybe I’ll have some fun with that as well.

  I watched her blot her eyes and blow her nose under the slitted lids of my eyes. Pathetic, she’d better get her shit together before that rich husband of hers traded up. Hmmm…no, too crass, too…something, but the possibilities were endless.

  “Her vitals are good, things seem to be coming along. The worse of it was the drugs in her system, the way in which they were administered. Had she added just a little bit more to the concoction she might not have made it.

  Both the gunshot wound to the chest and the stab wound missed any major arteries, so with some plastic surgery those should be taken care of. She was just very dehydrated because of the cocktail in her system, and that’s why we’d like to keep her a little longer.”

  “But what about her memory? Will she ever get it back?” I was barely in time to keep the snort from escaping that time. I was beginning to like this more and more. Instead of the nuisance it had started out to be, this new game of mine was shaping up to be my best play yet.

  “The doctor seems to think so. They can’t find any real reason for it, nothing physical anyhow, so they’re leaning more towards the psychological. Maybe the shock of the trauma to her body was too much for her to handle and she, you know…” She shrugged her shoulders as mom hung on her every word.

  I wanted to yell at the two of them to get the hell out so I could think, but that would give too much away. I listened to the humdrum voice of the mousy nurse as she went on and on. She was one of those types that craved the attention of the beautiful people. She might come in useful before all was said and done. Better make nice with her.

  I let my mind drift and wander as they went on and on with medical mumbo jumbo. There was only one thing I wanted, and I was willing to do whatever it t
ook to get it. The stupid girl hadn’t died more’s the pity, but it wasn’t over yet. I just needed to come up with another way to get Jace by my side.

  A new idea started to take shape in my head just then. I wonder what would happen if I pointed the finger at her? That wouldn’t be so far fetched now would it? I could make it work, but I needed time to put it together, if only I could get some peace and quiet.

  They stayed there for quarter of an hour, which felt like an eternity and then mom did her brushing my hair back with her fingers and kissing my forehead bit, which made me gag in my throat, gross.

  The time for maternal care was long gone, but I didn’t push her away, not yet. The time will soon come when I could tell them all what I really thought of them.

  By the time they left I was exhausted from trying so hard to telekinetically get them out of the damn room. Now I could think, at least for the next five minutes before some other asshole came waltzing in.

  I thought the hospital was where you went to rest, but in this place people are always coming and going at all hours, turning on lights when you’re trying to sleep. Twice I almost gave my little innocent girl trick away.

  Now enough of that, time to plan. I let my mind go over what I had to do. It was only from the little snippets I’d been picking up here and there that I had any idea what was going on outside of this room. But with my new realization about nurse mousy, I think I might be able to have her do my bidding from my sick bed.

  I rubbed my hands together as the ideas just rolled around in my head.


  Jace doesn’t seem too worried about the cops showing up at school and questioning him, but I was still raw from the whole experience. A part of me was hoping that it was the same person who’d attacked me, but then that would mean there was a madman on the loose and my new friends might be at risk. Then there was that other part of me that didn’t trust Mandy at all, and was wondering if it wasn’t her own doings that had landed her in hot water.