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"Hey champ how's it going?" The two asses high fived her as we left the car.
"You okay there lil brother?"
"What the fuck are you talking about now yenta?"
"We were behind you when you pulled over; we thought you might need us but uh...." The fuckers started laughing. I guess they'd seen Mouth beating the shit out of me in the car.
"Everything taken care of?"
"Yep, by the way Ari, that was cold."
"How'd she do him?"
"Bow and arrow. One right through the neck pinned the fucker to the bed. We let the female live she didn't see anything and she's pretty much catatonic, we'll keep her on ice for a few days just to be on the safe side but I don't think she'll be repeating this story anytime soon. The guards were neutralized, place was cleaned, he's in and out."
"Good, you two coming up or you heading home, I'm for bed it’s late."
"Nah we'll catch you tomorrow, I'm sure the girls are waiting to hear what happened."
"Yeah about that, could you two try to control your wives? What would've happened if she'd been hurt?"
"But she wasn't and you can't really blame the girls you know your woman is.....different....."
"Hey I'm right here....."
"Sorry Ari, no disrespect, don't pull out the gun or whatever weapon you're packing." Mikey was a real comedian.
"Get the hell outta here."
"What about Taylor?"
"Let the fucker sweat it out some more."
"Tomorrow then." They headed for their car as I led Mouth to the elevator.
I took her upstairs and looked her over to make sure there was nothing wrong with her, I know she'd never killed anyone before, I also knew how the first time felt.
"How do you feel?"
"I think I got the shakes."
I poured her a cognac and made her down it before running her a bath and taking care of her.
I put her to bed and held her as she calmed down from her adrenaline rush.
Just before she fell asleep I whispered in her ear.
"Tomorrow I'll deal with your stubborn ass, you do this shit again we're gonna have problems, I understand why you felt you had to do this yourself, but you don't do shit like this, I told you this already but you don't hear so good so tomorrow we'll go over it again."
She huffed and sighed, punched her pillow, glared at me and finally tried to leave the bed.
I pulled her back into my side.
Chapter 15
La Principessa
I woke up over mob boy's legs while he prepared to spank me, oh hell no. I tried twisting away off his lap but he kept me in place with one hard hand in my back.
"You up...Good." He brought his hand down hard on my ass. I think I yelled more from the surprise than the actual pain, that hadn't set in yet.
"What.....I......say.....goes." He punctuated each word with a smack to my bare ass that burned.
This fucker had lost his mind.
"Stop it Shane that hurts." I tried kicking up my legs but he just wrapped his around them somehow and kept wailing away on my ass.
"Pretty sure it's supposed to, now be a good girl and take your punishment."
I cried, I begged, I pleaded, but to no avail, I was never so embarrassed in my life, how could he? I was crying real tears and plotting his death.
What reason was I going to give Pia for killing her son?
He rubbed my sore behind when he was done, all the while laying down the law, all I heard was a lot of you can't do this, don't do that, I wasn't listening, I was plotting my own revenge.
Prince of the City
She was sniffling and sulking when I finally let her up, my hand hurt so I know her ass must be on fire, that's what she got for disobeying me and going off to do shit on her own.
I hugged her to me and cuddled, she was like a little kitten curled up on my chest as I laid back on the bed, bringing her with me.
"Why do you always call me that, you never call me anything sweet.....?”
"That's not true; I call you sweet things all the time."
"No you don't, you call me Mouth or you're always lecturing me about something, you never say anything nice to me, it's always Mouth don't do this or Mouth don't do that."
I rolled us over so I could look at her.
"Baby that's just not true, I always call you by endearments don't I?" I thought I did, was she right, shit now she had me questioning myself.
I brushed the hair back from her face and dried her tears. How was it possible to feel so much for someone, someone you hardly knew, but couldn't wait to get to know, because I just know in my gut that life with her will be perfect, no matter what.
I know that the more I get to know her the more in love with her I'll be, her strength fucking scares me. She thinks like a fucking general leading his troops like.....me. Fuck.
"Baby do you understand why I don't want you involved in this shit, why you can't be, this is not a place for you."
"Shane I'm not a gangster okay, this was personal, it's not like I'm gonna go around the city shooting people and shit, or pulling off heists, though on a side note I think the girls and I would make an awesome team.......yeah maybe we should organize......"
"Fuck me, no, don't even joke about that, could you just act like a girl for once, I don't want my wife acting like a dude, she has to be feminine."
If she wanted to give me ulcers she was well on the way, the thought of them hatching some plan to do some stupid shit was enough to turn every hair on my head grey, I know she was only kidding though, at least I hope she was.
I was about to say something to her when her fist connected with my eye.
"Ow, fuck, Mouth....come back here." She'd made a run for it. My fucking eye was throbbing but that didn't stop me from running after her. Would it be sick to admit that I'm proud of my woman? She's got balls of fucking steel, my perfect match, that didn't mean I wanted her playing Bonnie to my Clyde, I just can't do that shit, her ass will stay home and that's that.
"I see spankings don't work, next time I'm getting the belt for your ass, where are you?"I found her in the kitchen rummaging through the freezer; she threw a bag of veggies at me.
"Here, put that on your eye, at least no one can see what you did to me." She laughed like this shit was funny.
"Were you ever tested?"
She cocked her head at me, “For what?"
For what? Fucking nut job.
I put the cold bag against my face for some relief, I don't think I'd been clocked in the face since I was a teen or some shit,what the hell did I get myself into.
"Why'd you run out the room, I wasn't done with you yet?"
"You come anywhere near my ass again and I'll shoot you, as for your feminine wife tell that bitch I say run for the hills cause you're stuck in the dark ages."
"It doesn't matter what you say, what happened last night will never be repeated, you're done with this shit, I'm serious Arianna, no more."
She rolled her eyes and looked through the fridge coming out with an apple.
"You want one?"
"For breakfast?"
"I'm not feeding you, you spanked me, and now you want me to feed you, I'll go all Delores Claiborne on your ass."
"Who?" What the fuck?
"There's a mobster with that name, what kinda fucked up shit is that?"
"Never mind clueless, it's a movie, one of these days we'll watch it together."
"I'm not watching any chick flicks that shit is out."
"You want me to hang around here you'll watch what I watch and you'll like it mister."
She was mighty feisty for someone who just got her ass beat, which meant it didn't do shit. Damn. She'd be back on the streets getting into shit as soon as my back was turned.
"You got anymore personal vendettas I should know about Mouth?"
"I'm thinking very seriously about doing your ass in, why?"
I just gave her a loo
k because for all I know crazy lady could be serious.
"Where'd you learn to use a bow and arrow anyway?"
"It's my weapon of choice, years of archery classes baby."
"I thought shooting people in the ass was your forte?"
"Nah, that's just a warm up, speaking of which, how's Jimmy?"
Fuck dinner Sunday, Mouth, James, Poppy and the two old mobsters, fuck my life.
"Since you're not making me breakfast lets go back to bed."
Crazy lady stared me down, I waited her out.
"I'd straight up Bobbit you."
Okay even I knew who that was, she bit into her apple and grinned at me, amazing, from tears to a face punch to threats, this was the woman I wanted to spend my life with. I needed my head examined.
"What're you doing today?"
"I'm going shopping with your mom and sisters."
"Fine I'll get the car ready for you when you're ready."
"I can drive myself thank you very much."
"No, you can't...and don't bother arguing because it's either that or you stay home."
She threw her half eaten apple at me.
I barely caught it before it connected with my face. I gave some serious thought to lobbing it back at her but figured she'd probably gut me, crazy fuck.
"What's it gonna be?"
"Listen you ancient relic, between the four of us we can pretty much find our way around a gear shift, we don't need nor do we want a babysitter."
I ignored her and went to get some eggs to make breakfast for both of us; she'd turned me into a fucking sap.
La Principessa
He's so adorably cute when he's flustered, I like keeping him on his toes, no matter how cute he was I'm still gonna get him back for the stunt he pulled in the car last night and for the spanking. I figure I had the spanking coming, he's a pigheaded son of a bitch after all, but that stunt was over the top, no way I could let him get away with that.
Like Pia said, I had to train him early. There'd be hell to pay if he ever found out that his mom and sisters and even his brothers in law were giving me pointers on how to handle him.
I'd got him good with that endearment thing, he hated feeling like he wasn't taking care of me or doing everything he was supposed to, I could so use that in my favor. He thinks he's the big bad mafia don, but I’ll soon show him who's boss.
Life was sure going to be interesting around here, especially when he found out I was going to Chicago for a while.
I couldn't wait to have that conversation, oh joy.
The End
Hello dear reader thanks for coming along for the ride
I hope you enjoyed
Join me next time for more Mouth and Shane in L’assassina (the assassin)
“Mouth go put something on.”
“What, why, there’s no one here but us?”
“There’re windows all over the place go put something on now.”
“Hey Vito Andolini, I can’t put anything on because my as hurt; and if down here is bare what’s the point in covering up up here?