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Night Visits Page 7
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Page 7
My life has gone from strange to the extreme, but what the he....ck, okay here goes.
"Hello mother, hello mother."
How freaking cool is that?
"So uhm, was it you two that helped me fight like that?"
"We will always protect you, especially when father is busy, no need to worry."
"So you're happy, you're fine in there, is there anything I should be doing for you?"
"No we're fine, we promise not to make you ill anymore."
"I can't wait to meet you two."
"Neither can we wait to meet you mother, you must rest now have no fear, father will not leave you unattended."
And just like that I laid down, suddenly very tired.
I heard Donovan excuse himself to his men before I felt him lay down next to me.
"Sleep sweet princess and dream of me, I'll be here when you wake up."
With a sweet, soft kiss against my brow I was out.
Tamara's finally asleep, my children are safe and quiet, now I can give my anger free reign.
"She'll never make it before the council, evidence or not we all know it was the Cyclades bitch, what I want to know is where did she get the nerve to oppose me, on her own she would never attempt such a thing, so who does she have on her side?"
"I don't see anyone joining her in this madness, not even her brother and sisters, it's suicide, she attacked the empress in essence." Justin paced back and forth before me.
"Yes, but she doesn't know that, she thought she was simply attacking my wife, someone she sees as her rival for my affections.
None of that matters though, her fate was sealed the moment she gave the animal the order.
The empress pulled the memory from the animal's mind so there's no doubt she did it and the council would never take her word against mine never mind the empress's, but this will never get before the council, I want her blood on my hands."
"She's disappeared."
"She couldn't have gone far, we've only just arrived and she had to be here to give the order, have the whole kingdom searched, I don't care how long it takes, find her and bring her to me."
The boys left to go do my bidding as I sat in contemplation.
I know it won't be long before the rest of the kingdom heard of the attack, there would be an uproar, especially when it was revealed that Tamara was already carrying the empress.
It could very well start off a mass slaughter of the wolfkind, which I would not allow.
The animal was not to blame and will not be harmed for following his nature, besides my daughter had already pleaded his case.
There was one little moment of happiness throughout this whole debacle, when Tamara had first realized she could communicate with our children.
I'd forgotten to caution her that they could now hear her and that her conversations with her 'pussy' would have to be shielded.
It was going to be interesting to see how that whole thing played out in the future, but right now I had murder on my mind, if I had to kill one or one hundred I will do it to keep my family safe.
Our first day here and already I'd broken my promise.
I should've been more vigilant, that was okay though it will most definitely never happen again.
"I'm here love."
I walked back over to the bed and climbed in.
"I talked to the babies.
"I know, I heard, go to sleep sweetheart we'll talk more later."
"Night, love you."
"Love you too my princess sweet dreams."
Somewhere in the heart of the forest, a lone wolfkind stalked its prey with one purpose, the Empress had been very clear in her orders.
"Fuck baby girl....."
I woke to Tammy riding me, I'd been up all night brainstorming with my Garda since I'd learned after the fact that my daughter the unborn empress was already giving orders.
It seems she'd sent out a call for the wolfkind to amass an army, an army she intended to use to defend her mother.
If we were going to war with some as yet unknown force that Theodora Cyclades and whoever else was backing her had accumulated I had to be ready.
I must've been ass tired for her to get this far without me knowing it, but I'm awake now.
She was hot and tight and wet around my meat, her eyes half slits as she bit into her lip.
"Is it good?"
"Uh huh, so good."
She was taking her own pleasure even as I reached my hands up and cupped her breasts.
"I love your body, your beautiful nipples and your ripening stomach, I love knowing that my babies are inside you, it makes me want to make sweet gentle love to you one minute and fuck you raw the next.
I knew what my words did to her, felt it in the pulsing of her sex as she came.
"Hop off."
She climbed off, leaving my cock hard and glistening with her juices.
Pulling her off the bed, I lifted one leg on the mattress and left the other on the floor as I entered her from behind.
It was deep, so deep I had to check myself.
"Fuck me babygirl."
I let her set the pace so I wouldn't hurt her, but I under estimated her need. She was wild and needy as she pushed herself back with force against my length, taking me all the way in before pulling off and repeating again.
I had to hold her hips so as not to lose my place, that's how hard she was fucking back at me.
"Slow down baby."
'I can't, I'm almost there again....please..... help me."
Reaching around, I rubbed her clit, helping her out as she took me along for the ride.
My cock twitched and spat as she reached back, her nails digging into my ass.
"I'm cumming.....cum with me Tamara."
Biting into her neck I came as her walls tightened around me as she too found fulfillment.
Chapter Eighteen
Stupid stupid stupid wolfkind, how could one little slip of a bitch outsmart him?
I knew he had failed because I still sensed her life force even now.
I'd run into the forest quickly after giving the animal his orders, but was able to pick up whispers whenever I let myself tune in.
I had to shut off my senses to a degree just in case I'd been discovered and they were searching for me. With the failed attempt it might only be a matter of time anyway. dumb animal.
I still don't quite understand how she'd survived the attack, those of her realm didn't possess our powers, she was just a weak little nothing who thought she could just take our leader, a man who deserved only the best, namely me.
I’m of noble stock after all, was born here in our realm, I'm beautiful, rich and of grand birth, all the things needed in the mate of a leader.
The one who should be the mother of the future empress; I've studied that legend my whole life. I have been prepared for my place at his side since I was old enough to understand such things. There was no way in this world or the next that I would ever let her have him; why the elders hadn’t put an end to this madness long ago was a mystery. There must be some way around this. his calling could not have been from one from the destroyed land.
I'll have to regroup, I doubt it would be long before someone uncovered what I'd done if they hadn’t already; though I’d blanked the animal's mind of my part in the attack after giving the command so only the strongest among our kind will be able to pull it out there was no doubt the golden one would’ve done that if the animal hadn’t been killed outright.
I'll just have to lay low for a while but I'm in no way finished, I'd already set plans in motion from the first moment I heard of the unnatural pairing of my king with the subhuman weakling.
I'd had to join forces with the hateful Vulcans, a clan to the north that had been outlawed eons ago for their treachery.
I was willing to do whatever it took to take my rightful place at Donovan's side, I'd only had to pro
mise them reinstatement into our society.
They had morphed into a warring people known for their viciousness and cunning.
I didn't care if they killed off most of our people in the process, some of them were just a strain on our resources anyway.
When I become queen I will see about culling the weakest ones out, it was believed the Vulcans had become cannibalistic in their exile, that should keep them happy until I figured out how to get rid of them after they'd served their purpose.
But first I needed to sleep, needed rest, but for some strange reason, each time I closed my eyes I saw a pair of cerulean blue orbs staring back at me with malevolent intent.
I didn't know anyone with those eyes but for some reason they gave me an overwhelming feeling of fear.
‘They're coming.'
My eyes flew open as the voice seemed to resound around the room so strong was the warning though in reality it was only in my head.
Looking over at Tamara, I saw her flinch slightly, a frown on her sleeping face as our daughter gave her warning.
"Donovan?" Her sleep heavy voice was filled with confusion as she struggled to open her eyes.
"Ssh, ssh, it's okay love, go back to sleep."
I pulled her closer, my hand going to the mound of her stomach to settle the children in her womb with my touch.
Sending calming waves to her mind, I put her back to sleep as I shielded her from the conversation about to take place.
It was becoming more and more evident that our children, especially Nicola, was stronger than even I expected.
With my hands on my wife I realized that she'd grown in the short few days we'd been in my home, it wasn't a huge difference, but it was enough that I noticed.
This was evidence that the children were growing at a more rapid rate in my realm than on earth.
These things were not covered in the legend of the empress, in fact, not much was known about this time before her birth, only that with her birth, as the daughter of 'The Golden One' she will bring much joy and prosperity to our land.
She will be loved by all from her birth, she would grow to be a magnificent empress of great beauty, inside and out.
There was much more written in the chronicles that had been hidden for a time, things that were hidden from even me, things no man had ever uttered.
I'll have to look into those things later, right now I needed to deal with my daughter.
'Let your mom sleep little empress, she needs her rest, these last few days have been very hard on her and we need to protect her.'
'She's strong father and grows stronger every day, we have been strengthening her as she sleeps, when the time comes she will be ready, as will we.'
'I don't want her hurt.'
'She won't be.' She said that last with such force I had no choice but to believe it.
'My daughter, you're just a little scary.'
I heard their laughter at my teasing.
'As to your warning, who's coming?'
That one word might be enough to strike fear in many of our people, for me it was nothing, now I understood why the empress had sent out the call for the wolfkind to gather an army.
The Vulcan are a barbaric tribe with more animal traits than human, their savagery was well publicized throughout the galaxies.
The fact that they'd once been part of our realm meant they knew of the inner workings of our society, not to mention the lay of the land. And though had been hundreds of years since they’d been cast out in disgrace i had no doubt the ones who’d been born here still remembered.
I didn't want this fight to come to my people, I will not lose one soul to the perfidy of a mad woman.
No innocent blood must be shed because of this folly.
I opened my mind and senses and sent out a search in a wide arc while shielding the essence of my presence.
It took mere seconds for me to find the traitor and her gathering army; it was a massive army at that but still nothing for me to fear. I wondered at the madness of our enemies, did they not know, had they not read? How did they expect to defeat The Golden One? why would anyone take on what amounted to a suicide mission?
I would've stayed there longer but my daughter was feeling mischievous it seemed and sent a threatening wind amongst the gatherers, a cloud formed above their heads and in that cloud, the tail of a dragon.
I felt their fear before I pulled quickly back.
'Nicola, your mother.' I admonished her.
It didn't escape my notice that my son had taken a step back and let his sister lead, even now in the womb they'd fallen into order.
I'm thinking the enemy might've stood a better chance at leniency with my son than with the empress.
'She's asleep father, you have her well insulated."
'But your strengths will be draining on her, remember she is not as us, we must take more care.....'
'Father, do not underestimate mother's strength, she has to be very strong and capable to carry us after all.'
Well when you looked at it that way I guess the little terror had a point, still I didn't want my Tammy harmed, seems to me her daughter was a bit more warrior than diplomat.
I was beginning to wonder about those things that had been hidden in the chronicles, maybe they would shed some light on what to expect from the unborn empress since it seemed she wanted to start her reign from the womb.
It was going to be fun keeping her in check until it was her time to rule, which wouldn't be for quite some years yet.
They're talking again, I can't tell what about, but lately it's been getting easier for me to pick up the vibe when they were up to something.
Donovan was very good at protecting me from certain things but I was still able to discern some on my own.
I've also been noticing some changes in myself, like the fact that my senses were way more intense than ever before, I'm almost inclined to believe this was due to pregnancy but somehow I think something more was going on here.
Like while asleep I could swear I was performing some type of martial art but not like any I'd ever heard of or seen before. I'd awaken just knowing that I was capable of doing those things.
Of course I couldn't try it out to see if it was legit because Donovan would freak the hell out if I did anything more strenuous than lift a fork.
In the last few days since the attack he's been even more attentive and tyrannical if you want to know the truth.
I now had a Garda of more than twenty, three of whom were always in speaking distance, everyone has been kind and helpful and not just because I was Donovan's, but they seemed genuinely happy to have me here.
The women weren’t snippy or catty like you would expect when someone new come in their midst and stole the cream of the crop. in fact they were very amusing and forthcoming.
In the short time I’d been here, well except for the attack it has been wonderful. I’m not sure what I expected but this went above and beyond anything I could’ve imagined. His parents were nice and so were his friends, no one seemed too put out that he was marring the earthling and those who knew that I was with child were exceptionally sweet.
Tonight’s the night the big announcement will be made about the imminent birth of the empress, that was to be followed by a formal binding ceremony where I would become his in his realm. To say I’m nervous is an understatement, being without friends and family on earth is one thing, being without them in a whole other world quite another. I’m amazed at how easily I have accepted this whole thing, maybe it’s because of the way I feel about him that makes it so acceptable. I can’t imagine life without him, never knowing his touch again or the loving way he tends to me. That look on his face when he’s just gazing at me as if I’m the most precious thing in his world.
I waited until the buzzing from their private conversation abated before opening my eyes and turning to him.
"What are you three up to?"
He smiled and rubbed his thumb so
tfly over my lips.
"Nothing for you to worry about baby, did you have enough sleep, are you hungry?"
"I'm good for now, well maybe......"
I let my hand find him under the sheet that covered his lower half.
"What have we here?"
I rubbed my thumb over the wet tip of his hardness.
"Uhmmmm..., you keep that up you'll soon find out, come here."
I found myself flat on my back as he made his way down my body, his tongue going to my heat where my juices already flowed.
I raised my knees as my hands pulled him closer, head back as my hips worked under his tongue.
"Fuck me."
I pulled him up my body until our lips met and I could taste myself on his tongue.
He eased his cock into me slowly until I was full.
"You're so fucking hot baby, shit."
He bit into my neck as he fucked me nice and deep, pulling out slowly he teased my entrance with the smooth tip of his cock before he reentered just as slowly, teasing me when I had the need for a wild hard fucking.
My hands on his ass sent the message that I wanted more.
"Fuck me harder, I need it hard and deep....."
He pulled my ass closer as his dick picked up speed, with my heart racing I wrapped my legs around him as we fucked like animals, his lustful growls working to make me even hornier.
"Let me fuck you from behind baby."
Without waiting for my answer he pulled out and got me positioned to take his cock just how I needed him, it seemed we both liked it best this way. More primitive and wild.
"Uhmmmm, yeah daddy, hurt me with that big, fat, cock........ouch.......Ooooh, yeah fuck your little princess raw....."
It felt as though my body was about to explode, his cock felt like it reached even deeper in me than ever before and pussy was sloppy wet, I could hear every thrust he made in and out.
I looked over my shoulder to see him with his head thrown back, teeth gritted as he drilled into me.
Something was going on with me, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, it was as if something else had taken over my body, y sexual need was growing stronger and stronger almost as if I needed it to survive. The deeper he drove, the harder he pounded, the more I wanted, I was on fire.