The Soldier's Lady Read online

Page 9

  Standing behind her I ran my hands all over her nice plump ass making her wiggle. “You put your leg up this time.” She put her right leg up on the bed and I took my cock in hand and ran it over her pussy, clit fucking her until I lined up and sank in…


  Caleb McNamara has got to be the world’s most amazing boyfriend. I won’t say that I’m over my angst about my weight but I will say he’s helped me to see that there’s nothing wrong with me. More than that I finally believe that someone like him can really love someone like me. He still hasn’t let me give him the words but I understand. He wants me to love me first. I have to say for the first time in my life I have spent time actually thinking about me, and what I want. I’ve never been this happy before in my life. He lets me be me, and the funny thing is that now when I’m with him my size is the last thing on my mind. Maybe that’s because he doesn’t go on and on about it, in fact he never brings it up.

  He acts as though I’m just another girl, just a beautiful girl that he’s in love with. And the things he whispers to me when we’re making love. The way he touches my body makes me feel beautiful. Since our little break the sex has been unbelievable. It’s as if he’d been holding back before, though I don’t see how. He does things to my body and pushes me to do things that I find myself giving silent thanks to the army for building them strong and proud. Good grief.

  “Squeeze my cock baby.” I squeezed down around him and rode back on his cock that was still a bit much to take. But when he gets me fired up like this the pain isn’t even an issue. I like that little bite in my tummy anyway. Now he only pulls out sometimes when we make love and those times I try not to let it bother me but I know that too is about him giving me time. The times he does cum inside me I cherish.

  He pulled out and laid across the bed and I straddled his cock which always looks like a weapon as it sticks up in the air. “Ride my cock baby.” He pulled me down hard onto him and I screamed as he went in deep. His hands came up to grab my tits and he pulled me down for his mouth. “Bite my nipple.” I know he likes that and I’m getting used to the slight pain. He tells me he wants to do all these things to me while we make love and it blows my mind. I felt his cock butting against my cervix as he slammed up into me with my nipple caught between his teeth. The pleasure was almost too much to bear.

  When I'm riding his dick like this I feel beautiful, like the most beautiful woman in the world. It's the way he looks at me; the way his hands move all over me and the way his touch makes me feel. His words are rough and hot, and sometimes he's so far gone he can't even speak. Those are the times when I feel extra special.

  "I'm gonna cum baby." He growled as his fingers dug deeper into my ass.

  "Okay." I was out of breath as I moved my hips back and forth in the cradle of his thighs.

  "I wanna finish up on top."

  "Uh hmm..." I wasn't stopping so he'd have to figure it out. I soon found myself on my back, legs spread wide and held open as he gave me the pounding I loved so much. It didn't matter that things were moving and jiggling with each thrust because all his concentration was centered on my pussy where his cock was going in and out faster and faster. “Pound my pussy harder captain I can take it.” I fingered my clit to get him going.

  “Fuck.” His pounding felt like more than usual this time as he slammed into me with his hands holding onto the headboard as he towered over me. I looked up at his face and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes were so intense as they watched mine and I saw something there. Something I never thought to see. “I love you Melissa.” The words came seconds before he thrust into me harder than he ever had and my scream was almost loud enough to drown out the sound of the bed giving away.

  He didn’t stop plowing into me as I felt the bed move, instead he grabbed my body closer to his, his mouth coming down hard on mine as I felt his cock jerk inside me. “I’m cumming inside you baby.” I cried out and bit him as he bit me in that one spot that he’s so fond of, making me juice even more.

  “Caleb we broke the bed.”

  “So we’ll get a new one, we’ll just have to use the guest room for tonight.” And that was it, no jokes about the fat girl breaking the bed. And just like that I felt a little more of my heart heal. I hugged him to me so tight I thought I would suffocate him. “If your greedy pussy is still hungry you’re gonna have to give me a minute. I think you put a little extra in that last one. My poor cock doesn’t know what to do with himself look at him.” I looked down at his shaft, which looked like it always did after a bout of hot sex, at half-mast.

  “We have to be getting ready soon anyway.” I snuggled closer into his arms that he’d wrapped around me. “Yeah well I need a nap we’ve got time.” Yeah we had time.

  "Babe seriously, you wear that shit you're getting fucked before you reach the door."

  I rolled my eyes at him and tried to get around him. The little off the shoulder top over tight jeans was no different to anything I’ve worn before.

  "Stop being a horn dog honey we'll be late."

  "Fine but you're gonna owe me special favors later tonight."

  "What kinda special favors captain?" My poor little puss was probably in for a work out, my Caleb was very inventive.

  "Please no more upside down tricks, the last time I thought you were gonna kill us both."

  "You have no sense of adventure Melissa babe that's your problem, don't worry I'll think of something."

  "That's what I'm afraid of." He couldn't resist an ass grab. The man’s always either grabbing squeezing or fondling some part of my body when we were alone. And when we were out and about he always had an arm around me.

  I still wasn’t too comfortable with all the disbelieving looks and stares we usually got. Caleb ignored them like it was completely normal for his gorgeous self to be with me when everyone knew he could have anyone he wanted. Sometimes I agreed with the little snide remarks that were sometimes not quiet enough but I never let on; if he knew they'd be hell to pay. The man was a tyrant if he thought someone was putting me down, including myself. Tonight was our first night out since we’ve been back together and I’m hoping that with all my newfound confidence I can finally put that behind me as well. We’ll see, what I do know is that I finally believe that I’m loved and I’m finally learning to be happy and it’s magic.


  "The fuck you looking at bro?" Well isn’t this funny? I’m running an experiment to see how Melissa deals with chicks checking me out and I’m the one about to knock this fucker out for looking at her ass. We’d finally met up with the others and they were some new guys here as well. Some from my platoon who’ve been out with us before and some who hadn’t, this asshole obviously haven’t. He’s been watching my woman for the last five minutes like he wanted to go get her. I have to admit she was glowing which only enhanced her beauty even more. Fuck now I’m gonna have to beat motherfuckers off with a stick.

  "The chick in the jeans with that sexy ass top on, I wouldn't mind taking that for a ride." This fucker must want to die.

  "The fuck you say?" I got in his face ready to pound his ass into the ground.

  "Chill Cap, I’m on furlough you can't play the officer role...what you know her?" I guess he'd finally got a gander at my face.

  "Yes motherfucker I know her, like really know her; like if you even look at her cross eyed again I'll go FUBAR on your ass soldier." The stupid fuck grinned and held his hands up in surrender while backing off. Maybe I should just keep her ass in the house from now on. I didn’t think of what her new confidence would show the rest of the fucking male population. Fucking horny fucks were circling like sharks.

  I sipped my beer and watched my girl as she did her thing making sure no one got too near. Spanks came over to join me at the bar. “What did you do to Mel Cap? She’s like, I don’t know, even Jen noticed it.”

  “Noticed what?” He took a minute to answer.

  “I don’t know exactly but she seems less…uptight
I guess. You better keep an eye out some of the guys are starting to swarm.” He thought that shit was funny. I thought it prudent to get my woman before the army court martial my ass for fucking up their infantry. I’m supposed to train the fucks not bash their heads in.

  Chapter 14


  “Babe what are we gonna do about your condo?” We had just finished putting sheets on our new bed. I got us a nice sturdy one that could hold up when things got out of control. I chose one with posts that I could tie her ass to. In fact as soon as the shit was ready I had plans for her ass. Last night I had watched her find her female power in that damn bar. Seems I’d unleashed a monster.

  Now I have to up my damn game. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy as fuck that my girl is finally seeing her potential. I just didn’t prepare myself for other fuckers seeing it too. I slept on that one. There were things that I’d had planned for later on in our relationship but after last night I realize there was no sense in waiting. If the shit scared her she’d just have to get over it.

  After the first asshole had disappeared I’d watched as guys flocked around her and Jen. From the grins Jen kept throwing my way and the nervous ones Melissa was giving me every once in a while I knew it was her they were after. She seemed to revel in the attention, though not in a negative way. She’s a woman after all and what woman doesn’t want to feel desirable? But I find myself in the fucked up position of having to rein her ass in after her first taste. I’m burning that fucking top as soon as we get home.

  I’d walked over and wrapped my arm around her middle drawing her back into my chest. The way her body relaxed back into mine and she seemed to settle went a long way to clearing the blood from my eyes. The little fucks had caught on and steered clear after that but next desert exercise I had something for their asses.

  “What do you mean?” She brought me back to our present conversation.

  “I mean I don’t want you anywhere but here. There’s no point in us having both places so do you want to sell or rent it out?”

  “I don’t know, what do you think?” I kissed her because she didn’t argue with me. Not that she never argues because she does, but when it came to serious shit she knew to let her man take the lead.

  “I think you should try renting it out first since it’s a buyers market. We’ll see how that goes and then in a year or so we’ll see.”

  “Okay, when should we do it?”

  “As soon as possible. I’m off this weekend why don’t we start moving your stuff over here then? You can leave the furniture if you’d like, rent the place out furnished. If there’s anything you want to bring here let me know because then we’ll have to rent a truck.”

  “No I don’t think so, just my clothes and my keepsakes and stuff.” I hugged her around the middle and rubbed myself against her. One more step in the right direction. Soon I’ll take the final steps to making her mine. I was ready but I wanted it to be perfect for her.

  She hasn’t met my parents as yet and I can’t wait to get that out of the way. I know without a doubt that they will accept her. But I can’t wait for her to see that she was getting more than just me in this deal. For the last few days it has been great realizing that my love was enough for her. It was my love that made her feel stronger as well as her newfound love for herself. That’s all I ever wanted for her, to know that she has me always at her back. But my baby needs family and I can’t wait to share mine with her.

  I didn’t get to nail her then and there because she was in an all fired hurry to go get her stuff. Seems she’d been waiting for me to offer the invitation for her to move in. Why the fuck she didn’t say so was beyond me but women are strange like that. Like every time I buy her something she reminds me that she has money of her own. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything but I don’t argue with her, just do it anyway until she finally get the picture.

  “You go on ahead babe and I’ll meet you there I have to finish setting this stuff up.” Good she’d be out of the house while I install the new swing over the bed. I hid my grin from her because she had no idea. I’m sure if she did she’d be giving me all the reasons we couldn’t use it.

  I picked up some lunch on the way over to get her, it had been a few hours and the last time I called she was still packing her shit. I heard voices when I reached her door and at first thought it was crazy Jen. As I went to put my key in the door I heard the words that were being said and my blood ran cold.

  “How long do you think you can hold onto a guy like Caleb looking like that? You’re making a huge mistake if you move in with him. He’s just using you, probably never been with a plus size woman before but trust me as soon as the novelty wears off you’ll be out on your ass. This guy seems like the type who’d try to control you, didn’t you learn anything from the last loser you got…”

  I opened the door and walked in. They both jumped a foot off the ground. Melissa had her fists folded and her face set. At least she looked more like she was ready to blast this bitch than cry. “Get the fuck out.”

  “Caleb.” Melissa tried to intervene but that shit was dead. It was me this twit was supposedly speaking for after all. “I should’ve told her what you are the first night I met you but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. You see she thinks you’re her friend. But today that friendship comes to a dead fucking end. You know what your problem is Nat? You’re so jealous of my woman you can’t see straight.”

  “That’s absurd, why would I be jealous of her, look at me and look at her.”

  “If thinness is all you have going for you then you’re one pathetic human being. And as far as I can see that’s about all there is to you. I heard you and Fran that first night and let me put your mind at ease. I wouldn’t fuck you in this world or the next. As for me never being with what you call a plus size woman, you’re right I never have. But I can tell you she’s the best of the fucking bunch, that’s why she’s the only one I’ve ever asked to move in with me. Because there’s more to her than her body and you know it too that’s why you’re always trying to under mind her.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The twit was getting nervous because someone was finally seeing through her shit and calling her on it. I don’t know how no one else had caught onto her backhanded insults all this time. Only today it seems the gloves were off and she’d been going after my woman with both barrels. No fucking way.

  “Then I’ll spell it out for you. She has her own business while you do what? Oh yeah, a dead end job that you’re always bitching about. She’s gorgeous while you’re passably pretty. That must eat away at you. She has a man who loves her while you’re still a bed hopping…”

  “CALEB…” I glared Melissa’s way to pipe her ass down and she buttoned her lip.

  “And last but not least everyone loves her, including all your mutual friends. They gravitate to her like bees to honey and you hate that.” I could see Melissa’s eyes widening with each word. Maybe she was getting this shit now too. It had only taken me months to notice these things while they’d apparently been going over her head for years.

  “And not that it’s any of your business but she’s the sweetest fuck I’ve ever had.”

  “Caleb…” She was still scolding me but I didn’t miss the smile she was fighting.

  “Now get your bony ass outta here and don’t come back. You’re right I’m going to control her, that’s what the fuck I do and part of that control is keeping assholes like you out of her life.” I walked over to the door and opened it waving her through. One down two to motherfucking go.

  I was ready for Melissa and her shit too since my blood was still up but she just grinned at me and went about her business. Strange fucking girl. “Let’s eat and then I’ll help you with the rest of this.” We sat at her kitchen island and shared our lunch. I kept waiting for her to say something about what had just happened but she talked about everything else under the sun.

  “What was that twat doing here anyway
doesn’t she have a job?”

  “Yeah but she’s off today. She called while I was here about the calendar thing. Said she heard we’d broken up and since you were out of the picture I might be interested.”

  “Who the fuck told her we broke up?” She shrugged her shoulders and ate her sandwich.

  “You okay with her being gone babe? Because I meant what I said, from now on I’m getting rid of the toxins.” Fucking vulture.

  “I’ve always known she wasn’t good for me, I just never realized those were the reasons. I mean why would she be jealous of me? She’s beautiful and she’s successful even though she doesn’t like her job, but…”

  “She was one of the ones who told you not to open your shop wasn’t she?” She nodded her head sadly.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid. I thought they were just trying to be helpful. Every time they’d say something that would hurt my feelings I always thought it was just things I needed to hear you know, to get me on the right track.”

  “Babe nothing that tears you down is good remember that. And the next time some asshole tells you some shit tell ‘em to go fuck themselves.” She rolled her eyes at me because my baby only cusses like a sailor when I’m tearing up her pussy and she has no idea what the fuck she’s saying. She’s a lady down to her perfect little toes.

  We finished packing up her shit and hauling it to our place where she spent forever organizing shit. My dick was looking around for some action but she kept putting us off. I knew the second she saw the swing over the bed, her feet came pounding down the stairs. “Captain what’s that thing hanging over our bed?”